• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Update on My Stuff

    Still Working Into My New System.. But making progress. The web site (not this one, a new one) is making progress. Got a few things to fix and a ton of books to list, but that will take time. And I have been learning InDesign, the new one, so I can get ramping on the Make 100 Short Stories. That will take another week and I should have the first few covers done for Issue #45 of Smith’s Monthly. (I will post them here.) I need to finish up the novel that will be in that issue as well, a brand new Marble Grant novel that is mostly done because…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    That Went Well!

    Diving Kickstarter Got a Fast Start… Understatement there. It funded in about twenty hours and is well on its way to the first stretch goal. And almost every reward taken so far is about the books, which is even cooler. I love the Diving Universe and I know a bunch of fans do as well, and it has sold many millions of copies around the world since it started, but still it is wonderful to see this take off like that. Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so that is her…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Diving Universe Kickstarter

    A Fantastic Kickstarter Project… Kris has a new Diving novel coming out this fall. It is huge. And she wanted to get it to her fans ahead of time, so she is doing a Kickstarter project. The name of the novel is THE RENEGAT. If you back the campaign at any level, you will get a copy of the book early, months before it comes out regularly. Also, Kris did two really cool special books for this Kickstarter. She took all her deleted sections and pieces from both THE RENEGAT and other Diving novels, did some essays, and put them together. It takes up two books and you get those…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Week Three Great Challenge

    Happy To Say Everyone Hit It… Everyone who is writing a weekly short story got a story in. And a new person started and a couple others have not yet started, which is fine. In fact, perfectly fine to sign up at any point still. The Great Challenge is not filled and I am enjoying reading the stories. (Remember, you get workshop credit when you miss.) I won’t talk much about this challenge going forward, since life will cause writers to miss from this point onward. That will just happen. My hope is that a number of them make it all the way. That would be so cool! But that…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Futures: Patience and May Workshops

    They All Start This Week… Futures: Patience…. Pacing a Career. How, When, and Why? In this Future series for writers, we have available now (1) Refresh and Renew, (2) Opportunities, (3) Structure, and soon (4)Patience. You can sign up for them on Teachable at any point you want and go through them at your own pace. But this fourth one, Patience, will be paced like a regular six week workshop this first time through, starting Wednesday. And we have a bundle available to get a discount if you buy all four of the Future’s workshops. All four Futures Workshops are in the Lifetime Subscription as well and anyone with a Lifetime…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Saturday Night Post

    Fun Day Today… I worked on my website stuff and some workshop recording while Kris worked this morning on writing and a video, then we headed out for a great lunch at a brand new place. Then I shopped while Kris did some running, then deserts and home to watch a fun movie, have pizza for dinner, and I did a bunch of walking to get my steps while Kris read. In other words, a pretty normal day for most people, totally relaxing anniversary for us. Felt weird to just relax and go slow for a day. Just not used to that. (grin) And this blog keeps the blogging streak…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Another Great Year! Thanks, Kris!

    Thirty-Three Years Ago I Met Kris…  I put up this post one year ago, so thought I would bring it forward and add some new pictures to it. So some of this will feel familiar from last year if you have been along for the ride here that long. All I can say is that at this point last year, we were still in the middle of moving and things were crazy. Now we are settling in again and getting used to our wonderful new city and our new life together. Thanks, Kris, for putting up with me for this long. Onward to another 33 years. I love you. ————…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Week Two Great Challenge Update

    Sometimes I Will Give Updates… Mostly I will give these updates because I think it’s fun and good information and I will never, ever use any names in these updates. Just general stuff. I am impressed that every person who started on the first week got in a second story. And a couple people started on Week #2 and there is still a couple people who haven’t started yet. But no misses so far. Better than I had expected since I know how hard challenges are. Some people sign up for a challenge like this only to discover that challenges are just not their thing. That’s why even if you…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Writing Bundle One Week Left

    This Has A $50 Lecture in It… In this spring’s writer’s bundle on Story Bundle, we put in a $50 lecture if you get the bundle. 13 writing books and one lecture for $15.00. Tough to beat. The Write Stuff 2019 bundle doesn’t have many days left before it goes away. Get it at StoryBundle.com Here the books included, plus once again the blog Kris wrote for the writing bundle. The 2019 Write Stuff Bundle – Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch This spring’s writing bundle has three themes: Finding Time to Write (no matter what your life’s circumstances are), Growing As An Artist, and Practical Business Advice. First, finding time:…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Future Workshop Series

    Fourth In The Series Starts Next Wednesday… Futures: Patience…. Pacing a Career. How, When, and Why? In this Future series for writers, we have available now (1) Refresh and Renew, (2) Opportunities, (3) Structure, and soon (4)Patience. You can sign up for them on Teachable at any point you want and go through them at your own pace. But this fourth one, Patience, will be paced like a regular six week workshop this first time through, starting next Wednesday. And we have a bundle available to get a discount if you buy all four. All four Futures Workshops are in the Lifetime Subscription as well and anyone with a Lifetime Subscription…