• Challenge,  workshops

    3 Days Left On Workshop Sale…

    New Office Coming Together… So we plan on ending the full WMG Teachable workshop sale late Monday… Don’t miss this one. No sale coming in the future that we have scheduled or even talked about. Every Workshop, Every Class, Every Subscription 50% Off!!! This has been in honor of the WMG Publishing Offices moving to Las Vegas. So we put everything on WMG Teachable on sale at half off. Just hit purchase what you want, and then put in the code on the next page and hit apply and you will have it for half price. Code is… OfficeMove This includes all lifetime subscriptions as well, and the Everything Lifetime…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Workshops Information and Sale Ending…

    Workshop 50% Off Sale Ends Monday!! A ton of workshop information tonight since the half-price office-moving sale is ending on Monday on Teachable. The code to get anything at half price is… OfficeMove Here is a summary of information in this post… — Information on Lifetime Subscriptions… — Information on new “Buy Five for the Price of Four”… — November Regular Workshops Now Up… — List of Classic Workshops… All 47 of them… Starting with the List of Classic Workshops… I don’t think many know of the fantastic selection of writing and publishing classes we have that are Classic Workshops. I have no memory of doing a list of them,…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    More Moving…

    But Wow Are We Gaining On It!! All shelves in the new office are now up. And they will hold a lot of books. A lot!! Most will remain empty until we bring the rest of the big office down in April. Got Steph a wonderful new desk today, and got Kris a great desk. Both of those will be delivered on Friday. I am using my big desk that was in the old offices up north 7 years ago. I brought it down with me and it has been in storage all these years. I still have about thirty boxes of author’s copies to unload up onto shelves and…

  • Challenge,  Misc,  workshops

    We Are In!

    Part of the Stuff from Oregon Office Now Here! We still have a large four-room office complex in Oregon to bring down next April, but for now the main part of the work for WMG is going on down here. We have one wonderful employee left up there trying to clean up messes and organize things before we move the last of the business south. Steph is here now as well. So today we had six professional fiction writers helping with the unloading and I hired two professional movers to help as well. Then all the writers went to get Good Pie pizza. Yummy. And really fun. Sorry I got…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Moving Happening

    Strong Guys Arrive in the Morning.. To help us unload the boxes and shelves into the new office. Wow, after years of aiming at this, the day has finally arrived.  Stunning. So going to get some sleep, but for the moment, here is the information on the Teachable Workshops sale in honor of the move. Every Workshop, Every Class, Every Subscription 50% Off!!! This is in honor of the WMG Publishing Offices moving to Las Vegas. That’s riight, it is happening. Our new office is so cool. We will do pictures when it is all set up! Been amazing fun to start putting it together. But in honor of that,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Kris Reding Program…

    Something Really Fun and Limited Kris Is Doing… She has decided to help a few writers with their writing craft over the next six months.  Here is how she put it in her own words on her Patreon page… Kristine Kathryn Rusch On Reading It’s been quite the year. Even though Dean and I have found it hectic, a lot of good has happened. I feel like I’ve recaptured a lot of joy in my life, much in writing, and even more in reading and editing. I do miss a lot of the reading I do for the in-person workshops. To think about stories on the macro and micro levels…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Fun Stuff Added for the Workshop Sale!!

    Started Putting Up the Classic Kickstarter Classes.. There will be 39 loaded over the next few weeks. See list below. And after those first 39, another 23 to load over the next six months to a year, and after that about 16 new per year. Wow… So I added a Lifetime Classic Kickstarter you can get. (And at half price during the sale.) And I added a Pick Choice of 10 Classic Kickstarter workshops for less than the price of 9 of them. (Another great deal at half price in the sale.) And then for fun, since there are over 80 Pop-Up classes, I added a Pick Choice of 10…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Wild Friday!

    Continues Tomorrow Morning… I am heading to bed very early because I have to be up to get a delivery of furniture for the new WMG office tomorrow at 7:30. (Yes, I stupidly agreed to that time.) The WMG main office is on the move from Oregon, even though we will still have an office there and will remain an Oregon Corporation.  I spent some time on the Writer Direct webinar since Steph literally was on the road. I thought it was fun. I spent a bunch of time today putting up shelves and unpacking boxes of Kris and my old books, author copies. I also unpacked more boxes of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Dedicated Fiction-Writing Computer…

    A Critical Part of Any Fiction-Writer’s Life… Many of you have heard me at one time or one place or another talk about the critical nature of having a dedicated fiction-writing computer. There are a ton of varied reasons for this. But I have been sort of shocked this week at learning how few writers have them and then wonder why their production is not what they want it to be. It is 2024 as I write this. Our computers are full of about a zillion distractions, from emails to YouTube to Facebook and on and on and on. A dedicated fiction writing computer has one thing on it… A…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    WMG Moving Sale

    Every Workshop, Every Class, Every Subscription 50% Off!!! This is in honor of the WMG Publishing Offices moving to Las Vegas. That’s riight, it is happening later this week and next week. Our new office is so cool. We will do pictures when it is all set up! Been amazing fun to start putting it together. But in honor of that, we are putting everything on Teachable on sale at half off. Just hit purchase what you want, and then put in the code on the next page and hit apply and you will have it for half price. Code is… OfficeMove This includes all lifetime subscriptions as well, and…