Challenge,  workshops

New Workshops

Already Up and Others Coming in the Next Three Days…

All six of last year’s collection classes are now up and the Pets Collection class is up starting in January as well. I hope to have the entire 2022 schedule by the end of the week if you are interested in taking collection classes.

And the Pulp Speed regular workshop is up in February now.

The Decade Ahead year of classes is all set and ready to go for 2022. Starting over, although we left in two of the Pop-Ups that we had included on the first attempt back in 2020. Videos on that first month of that year-long class will be added in January, but all four quarters is now active and available. And wow will a lot of this be very different. 2020 seems a long time ago now in publishing terms.

Master Business Class is not available in the sale, but a lot of the classes that will be added to it over the next few days are available in the sale, including a class called Economics of Scale and an entire series of Pop-Up classes.

Remember, the Study Along classes are all available in the sale as well and I have just about finished the reading list for the Thriller-Humor class in March. It will be going out in a week or so. I will let everyone know.

So lots of new stuff in this YearEnd sale.

If you want a class, simply find it, hit purchase, then on the next page put in the code:


and you will get the class for 50% off.

Everything that is available on TEACHABLE.



  • Aniket Gore

    Hi Dean,

    Is this class(Economics of Scale) a workshop? I couldn’t find it. Also the pop-ups mentioned are those after 54?

    • dwsmith

      Not up yet. Not a workshop, just lecture. And the new Pop-Ups are not up yet either. Few more days. Yes, after 54. The are all part of the Master Business Class (which is not available in the sale) but each class is also available for individual purchase.