New Pop-Up on Thinking Big
Pop-Up #11 Available…
This one is on how fiction writers need to learn how to think big, dream big, plan big. And how to do it. It’s a good one. And it has a really fun short story prompt with it. (Due date only just over a week or so off.)
All the previous Pop-Ups, #1-10 are available still in the bundles of five or ten. (Normally each Pop-Up is $150 each, but in the bundles they are cheaper.)
Each one is from 12-15 videos on the topic, plus a short story prompt. You can only turn in the #11 short story to me, since the due dates of the others have passed. But you can still write a story for yourself from the prompts.
The Pop-Ups so far are…
#1… Julie, Len, and Stan
#2… Your Own Bookstore
#3… Writing Short Romance
#4… Clean First Draft Writing
#5… Remaining Focused
#6… Writing Mysteries into the Dark
#7… Second Hand Sales
#8… Kickstarter for Writers
#9… The Author Problem
#10… Selling Fun with Short Stories
#11… Thinking Big for Fiction Writers
Again, #11 is just posted, and I will be posting a few more over the next few weeks. Fun ones. (And yes, you can get a bundle of the upcoming ones as well.)
Any questions on these, just write me.