Might Make Stretch Goal #7!
Getting Close!!
Stretch Goal #7 not only has a free copy of a great Fiction River anthology for everyone, but it also has a Pop-Up Class for writers that a number of writers have written me about. Spade/Paladin Kickstarter
Pop-Up: Stamina and Strategies to Write a Lot.
You wouldn’t think there would be a lot to learn about that, but this idea for a Pop-Up came about one afternoon as Kris and I were headed somewhere and we got talking about writing a lot and how we both do certain things that allow us to not only write a lot each day on a bunch of projects, but keep it up every day for weeks and months at a time without a break.
Maybe, but loving what we do and having fun sure helps in that.
But after our conversation, it was clear there was a lot of tricks and techniques to help writers write more with more stamina. Should be a good one.
So for those who are backing the Kickstarter Campaign for Kris’s new book TEN LITTLE FEN, you will get it as a bonus if we can hit the next stretch goal in the next 40 hours. I think we can.
And Kris and I are both tempted that if we are past the goal in the morning to add another stretch goal for the last 24 hours. We shall see.
But one thing for certain, this is a great campaign for books for readers and classes for writers. Don’t miss it. Counting down the hours now.
One Comment
Aniket Gore
It’s already past 7th stretch goal with 36 hours remaining 🙂