Mentor Program
I Have Two New Mentor Writers For 2020…
The two new writers joined up through Kickstarter earlier in the year and are starting January 1st.
Plus for 2020 I have two writers who started in August and are carrying over into the new year, and another with a health issue who will be carrying forward some if health allows.
Plus I’m going to continue to help those I worked with for the entire year into the new year when I am needed.
Interesting how this worked. Each person was different. And my focus and goal was to not be intrusive, to not try to force anyone into working my way, but instead just help them work their own way.
But I did ask for a weekly check-in. For one person, that weekly check-in was too much pressure and it quickly fell away. For another writer, that was pretty much all I heard. I gave advice when either asked or saw that it was needed.
In other words, I was a cheerleader and was there to help when asked. I got to help with covers, with cover blurbs, read stories, and give business advice. Whatever the writer wanted or needed, I tried to provide with the clear focus that I couldn’t make the decision for the writer, they had to make it for themselves. My advice was only that: Advice.
So it turned out I worked with seven writers total this fall in different fashions. And I plan on being here for the writers going past the end of the year when needed as well.
But Kris and I looked at my schedule, the time I was talking, how much I enjoyed helping out when I could, and since I have only five full going forward into the first part of the year, we decided that if anyone was interested, I could open up the Mentor Program to one or two writers.
It is not cheap. The cost is $3,000 for the year for me to be here as a mentor for you. (And, of course, beyond the year as well, but focused for a year.)
Write me with Mentor Program in the subject line if interested or if you would like more information.