On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

Lifetime Subscriptions to Workshops and Lectures

Finally Available…

The numbers of workshops we now have available has gotten amazing. From the new Pop-Up workshops which worked great from my side, to the Classic workshops, to the Strengths, to the Regular Monthly workshops. Thousands of videos about writing.

If you would have told me it would build to this five years ago, I would have screamed and run into the street. But honestly, looking at it now, because of the workshops and putting them together, I am a much, much better writer. And I have had a blast.

And I am still having fun and just as passionate about learning as I was five years ago. You folks really keep me challenged. I love it.

As the numbers of workshops grew, we talked about a way to do subscriptions to the entire curriculum, but in the old system it was far too much work for me. But then along came Teachable and I finally in January got everything moved after two months of work on that. And now it is possible to do the lifetime subscriptions.

So here are the details if anyone is interested. At least we have the lifetime subscriptions available now. Both for workshops and for lectures.

Workshop Lifetime Subscription:

Over forty-two online workshops on the craft of writing and publishing with thousands of teaching videos by Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Allyson Longueira.

This includes all pop-up workshops as they come on board, all classic workshops, all six strength workshops, and all regular workshops. (Does not include lectures. They have their own subscription package.) It will also include any special workshop we might do like we did the covers workshops for a time.

This is a total, at the moment, of over $10,000 in value in workshops. And that will just go up. So if you are serious about learning and getting all the new workshops as they come up, jump into this lifetime subscription.

On the regular, strengths, and pop-up workshops, if you would like to turn in the assignments, you can do so at your own pace. Just write Dean ahead of time that you will be working through a certain workshop and turning in assignments. He will give your personal feedback. (Classic workshops do not have assignments involved to be turned in.)

I think being able to do these at your own pace with the assignments is a major bonus on this.

So instead of waiting six weeks, you can do any of the workshops at your own pace and still get the assignment responses.


If you have taken ten or more of these workshops already, write dean at dean.wmgworkshops@gmail.com and the cost will be $2,000 instead of $3,000.


And yes, if you have credits that get you near the ten, you can get the discounted price. (We will not make you buy more workshops to get the discount. Our goal with this is to give those who want to take most of these or at least look at them to get the chance without paying $10,000.)

Right now Kris and I have six, maybe seven new Regular workshops planned to come on board through the summer and fall. Plus more Pop-Ups than we have announced through the summer and fall.

Lecture Lifetime Subscription

Over thirty online lectures on the craft of writing and publishing with hundreds and hundreds of teaching videos by Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Allyson Longueira.

This includes all regular lectures and all advanced business lectures.

This is a total, at the moment, of over $1,500 in value in lectures. So if you are serious about learning and getting all the new lectures as they come out, jump into this lifetime subscription.


If you have taken ten or more of these lectures already, write dean at dean.wmgworkshops@gmail.com and the cost will be $750 instead of $1,000.

Any questions at all on any of this, just write me.

And take a look at the workshops and lectures offered in each one. an impressive list.



  • Julie

    As someone who has done a ton of these courses and has got a huge amount out of them, I think this is a terrific deal. They’ve transformed my writing.

  • Dee

    Hey Dean – will you be leaving these lifetime offers up or will they only be available for a limited time? (I’m really hoping they will stay available) With proper saving, and not too many big life rolls, I should be able to save this in 2-3 years for both. This would certainly help with financial timing! There are so many workshops that come and go that I am unable to take due to the timing of the finances – that I feel like David Bannnor setting out on the lonely road again when you say there was no interest and that they won’t be coming back…
    So please please please – leave the lifetime options open? *Hopeful begging face*



    • dwsmith

      Dee, yes the lifetimes are a part of the WMG Teachable now. The price might go up in a few years I’m afraid if we keep offering as many workshops per year as we are planning, but past that, we will always offer them. They just make things easier for someone wanting to take a lot of classes over time to jump their writing forward.

  • Erik Kort

    These workshops have always been worth the time and money!

    Dean, quick question for clarity: does this include the Strengths workshops, or are those (like the lectures) a different kind of beast?

    • dwsmith

      Includes the Strengths, Pop-Ups, Classics, and Regulars. If you go to Teachable on this and click on the Lifetime, it shows all the courses involved. It scrolls on for a very long time. (grin)

      • Erik Kort

        Yeah, I read the original post more carefully AFTER I submitted my question. I think that my brain just couldn’t handle the list and what all was involved, so I assumed that I misunderstood things!