Branding,  Challenge,  workshops

Length of a Brand/Trademark

I Was Surprised…

I was working on an issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine tonight and mentioned in the introduction that Kris and I started Pulphouse in 1987 and it has been going along one way or another, making money as a brand and a business name for 37 years this coming year.

And we have plans to expand the brand even more very shortly.

I find it interesting that the older I get, the bigger the numbers get with different things I have been doing. My best friend and I have been close for sixty years this year. I sold my first short stories 50 years ago.

And the Pulphouse brand has been a part of Kris and my lives for almost as long as we have been together.

So onward I go, just letting the numbers get bigger while I do my best not to notice.

A Fun Kris Challenge

December Writing Challenge with Kris

The challenge is to write three or more short stories in December. Kris is planning on writing three by the end of the year. So she thought she would open it up as a challenge, see if others wanted to write along.

— Short story must be over 3,000 words. No upper limit.

— No genre limitations.

— Kris will report to all of you in the challenge on January 1st. Not before. You will report in also on January 1st. (This is not a daily report challenge.)

— The cost is $200. You must sign up by Sunday, December 8th.

(No credit from anything, I am afraid. Can’t buy in with credit to get more credit.)

— If you write fewer or the same number of short stories than Kris writes (She will write a max of three and no more), then you get your $200 in credit for anything on WMG Teachable. If you write more stories than Kris (4 or more), you get $400 in credit for anything on Teachable.

— So in essence, you are buying at least $200 credit and getting the chance to see how you do against Kris in a short story writing challenge.

The challenge is on the first page of WMG Teachable. You can sign up there. Picture of Kris running, so easy to spot.

Kris is excited to do this. She really wants to get a few more short stories done this year and feels this challenge will keep her focused on it.

This is a win/win/win challenge. Jump in, should be fun and get your writing fired up for the new year!

Lifetime Everything Subscribers, if you want to jump in, write me and I will send you the code and you can do it for fun.

Questions, write me directly or ask the question in the comments…

Another Cat…

Putting up a picture of Cheeps yesterday got me thinking of the really fantastic cats I have been able to share this planet with for a time. So tonight going to put up another picture…

My second wife and I lost our cat December when our house burnt down. Horrid doesn’t begin to describe it.

But then on the second day after the fire, we were working to see what we could salvage and this feral mother cat starting bringing kittens out from under the burnt-out house. Seems they had survived under there somehow.

She brought out four and put them in a shrub near the house, then started carrying them down and across the street and into a garage there. I suggested we save the other three before she came back and we did and took them back to Moscow with us a few days later.

I called them the Wild Bunch and she named them Sundance, Cassy, and Ella. When we finally separated a few months later, she kept the Wild Bunch and they all lived great lives, with Sundance making it the longest at 14 years.

Rescuing them was an amazing gift after the horror of losing everything in the fire and our wonderful cat December.

Here is a picture of me with the Wild Bunch back in Moscow at a friend’s house a week or so after we rescued them. You can just see Dance’s head.

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