Learning in 25 Books
That’s right, here comes the NaNoWriMo challenge starting up in November. And last year I was lucky enough to be a part of a bundle of how-to-write books.
This year, I am lucky enough to be a part of that bundle again with the How To Write Fiction Sales Copy book. 13 books this year, plus the 12 from last year are all being offered together.
You can get the new bunch, or for $25.00 you can get all 25 writing books from both years.
And the new group includes Writing the Blockbuster Novel by Albert Zuckerman and also the impossible-to-find Writing to the Point by Algis Budrys.
Not much today. Some running around, some exercise, once with a friend, another time with Kris, so ended up with 10,000 steps today. And I worked on Smith’s Monthly and some workshop stuff.
Took a long nap, watched some television, then wrote 2,100 words in two sessions on the novel that will seemingly never end.
Tomorrow or Saturday you will be getting one of the non-fiction books I just finished. And a day or so after that the next issue of Smith’s Monthly. Stay tuned.
At the moment all of the following have openings. They start on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Only 9 workshops this month available.
Class #41… Nov 2nd … Pitches and Blurbs
Class #42… Nov 2nd … How to Write Thrillers
Class #43… Nov 2nd … Adding Suspense to Your Writing
Class #44… Nov 2nd … (Cancelled)
Class #45… Nov 3rd … Character Development
Class #46… Nov 3rd … Depth in Writing
Class #47… Nov 3rd … Making a Career
Class #48… Nov 4th … Cliffhangers
Class #49… Nov 4th … Pacing Your Novel
Class #50… Nov 4th … Advanced Depth
Great New Mystery Bundle
My mystery novel, COLD CALL is now in a fantastic new bundle of stories called The Dark Justice Mystery Bundle.
TOPIC OF THE NIGHT: Learning in 25 Books
Learning writing and the business of writing comes in bits here and details there. I have said that a great deal here.
It’s why Kris and I watch The Voice, to keep learning. It’s why we teach. And talk with other writers. You just never know when you will hear a bit of learning that will help you or your writing business.
I can’t even imagine having these 25 writing books for $25 available to me when I started.
I paid a lot of money for some of the books here and am looking forward to reading others. I have three copies of the Zuckerman book and an older, treasured copy of the Budrys book.
If you want to be a writer and don’t understand how incredible a deal Kevin J. Anderson has put together for you, not much I can do to help you.
You won’t agree with everything in every book, but be open to learning and this year you have a major chance to do just that.
Day 1…. 2,550 words. Total words so far… 2,550 words.
Day 2…. 2,350 words. Total words so far… 4,900 words.
Day 3…. 2,500 words. Total words so far… 7,400 words.
Day 4…. 1,200 words. Total words so far… 8,600 words.
Day 5…. 1,500 words. Total words so far… 10,100 words.
Day 6…. 2,000 words. Total words so far… 12,100 words.
Day 7…. 1,700 words. Total words so far… 13,800 words.
Day 8…. 3,350 words. Total words so far… 17,150 words.
Day 9…. 5,300 words. Total words so far… 22,450 words.
Day 10…. 1,400 words. Total words so far… 23,850 words.
Day 11…. 4,200 words. Total words so far… 28,050 words.
Day 12…. 2,200 words. Total words so far… 30,250 words.
Day 13…. 1,400 words. Total words so far… 31,650 words.
Day 14…. 1,550 words. Total words so far… 33,200 words.
Day 15…. 1,200 words. Total words so far… 34,400 words.
Day 16…. 3,100 words. Total words so far… 37,500 words.
Day 17…. 1,100 words. Total words so far… 38,600 words.
Day 18…. 1,050 words. Total words so far… 39,650 words.
Day 19…. 1,050 words. Total words so far… 40,700 words.
Day 20…. 900 words. Total words so far… 41,600 words.
Day 21…. 2,250 words. Total words so far… 43,850 words.
Day 22…. 2,700 words. Total words so far… 46,550 words.
Day 23…. 2,100 words. Total words so far… 48,650 words.
Totals For Year 3, Month 3, Day 29
Writing in Public blog streak… Day 809
— Daily Fiction: 2,100 original words. Fiction month-to-date: 48,700 words
— Nonfiction: 00 new words. Nonfiction month-to-date total: 600 words
— Blog Posts: 500 new words. Blog month-to-date word count: 18,300 words
— E-mail: 18 e-mails. Approx. 900 original words. E-mails month-to date: 632 e-mails. Approx. 31,700 words
— Covers Designed and Finished: 0. Covers finished month-to-date: 0 Covers
You can support this ongoing blog at Patreon on a monthly basis. Not per post. Just click on the Patreon image. Extra stuff for different levels of support and I will be adding in more as time goes on. Thanks for your support.
Or you can just toss a tip into the tip jar with a single donation at PayPal. Either way, your support keeps me going at these crazy posts.
If you would like to leave a tip just hit Paypal.me/deanwesleysmith (Goes to WMG Publishing account, but I’ll get it just fine.)

Dane Tyler
Wow, what a GREAT bundle and deal! I gotta get this one. Thanks, Dean!
This also means I’ll need to prioritize my reading list…again. A happy problem to have, I guess. 🙂
I already have 6 of these but I just spent $25 to get the Budrys book and the professionalism books (don’t laugh). Worth every penny.
David Anthony Brown
Bought the writing bundle last year, more than worth the money. And this year’s bundle looks even better. Every one of those titles is something I want to study.
So I just gave StoryBundle a bit over $40 for three bundles… the two you mention here and the video game one that I think just ended. Now I have more reading than I can realistically do over the winter.
Diane Darcy
So if I want to buy these for Christmas gifts for writer friends, how do I hold off delivery? Does Amazon allow you to choose the day of delivery? (Lesli, look away!)
This isn’t Amazon. This is Storybundle.com. Nothing to do with Amazon. I know, strange, huh? (grin)
Storybundle does allow you to chose the day of delivery for gifts, I’ve tested it. But then the risk is that the writer in question has already bought the bundle for themself…
Finally! Budrys is back in print. I’d run out of copies to give away. Now I can stock up.
Now I can stop nagging you. HA!
J.M. Ney-Grimm
Nice! I bought last year’s writer bundle. I just snapped up the new one. I’ve been waiting for How to Write Fiction Sales Copy ever since the series of blog posts on the topic (which were the best instruction on fiction sales copy that I’ve ever seen).
I’m thinking of buying a paperback edition of the sales copy book also. I think I’ll be reading and re-reading the ebook edition to get the information more firmly into my head. But when I’m generating sales copy for my own books, I suspect a paper edition will make a handier reference for me. 😀
Thanks, Dean!
Thanks, J.M., appreciate the nice comments. And yeah, that’s the way I work as well. I tend to like a paper copy if I’m going to be referencing something regularly. Copyright Handbook is an example of that. The copy is getting slowly beat up by grabbing it so many times. (grin)
Lily Silver
Thank you. Just purchased the bundle. An incredible deal. And an awesome learning package.