Kickstarter Best Practices
Finally Able To Do It Again…
After two months of not being able to list Kickstarters from the writers on Kickstarter Best Practices free class because of my eye issues, I was able to do so tonight. Sorry about missing those of you who did campaigns in the last two months. Just not able to do it with the eye issues.
Those of you thinking about doing a Kickstarter campaign, give me a chance to look at it ahead of time to help you fund. Just email me the preview link and I’ll be glad to take a look.
And yes, I listed my own campaign as well. A Make 100 Kickstarter Project just like we did the last two years. 50 stories of mine, 50 stories of Kris’s in a massive five-volume set called FANTASIES COLLIDE. We are about to hit another stretch goal, so pass the word if you would.
Also over the last three days I was able to read stories from the Study Along class for the workshop Kris is teaching here. I had to go slow but I was able to make it work.
So eyes are getting slowly better. Still got a ways to go, but wow what an improvement from two months ago. Let me simply say, “Yay!”
Here are the five covers of the new FANTASIES COLLIDE books. Beautiful, huh? Can’t wait to have the hardbacks on my shelf.