Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Just Eight Hours Left!!

Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter Campaign…

Almost to the fourth stretch goal. If we manage to hit that, everyone will get 5 extra books, plus $35o in lectures, Pop-Ups, and Classic Workshops.

Plus, remember that the only place to get into the special Writing Mystery Series workshop is in this campaign. It is a three week workshop and the reward level is $150. You have your choice of taking it in July or August.

And there are discounts on lectures and regular workshops as well.

Ends at 6 PM tonight, West Coast Time, so not much time left.

Here is the link to the campaign… Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter


  • Mark Kuhn

    Dean, could the techniques in the Mystery Series workshop be applied to an urban fantasy series?

    • dwsmith

      Some, yes, but fantasy is a different animal, just as mystery has its own form. So a little cross-over in general stuff. But only general.