
In Boise

At Homewood Suites…

Love these places. Huge living room, nice kitchen, large bedroom and nice bathroom. I could live in this place without trouble.

Got out of Vegas around 10 am and ten hours later, with three stops, pulled up in Boise. I went right up the middle of  Nevada and it was no issue. Other than there wasn’t any places to get out and walk some and I ate far too much. I will be better now going forward.

Did a couple mile walk once I got checked in here, but getting up very early for the drive to the coast, so not going to make my full steps tonight. Beautiful evening here. About 78 degrees which feels exactly like 88 degrees in the evening in Vegas. Weird. Less humidity by factors in Vegas.

So no pictures or nothing tonight. Tomorrow night, when I get to Lincoln City I will do a first walk through of the warehouse. At least ten hours of driving tomorrow. Planning on going through the middle of Oregon to avoid Portland and the stupid traffic there.

Until tomorrow…


  • Chong Go

    Ooh, pretty country coming up! If just a tiny bit empty, lol. Stay safe and don’t overdo it! 🙂

    • dwsmith

      It was pretty, both the desert across Oregon and coming down the Cascades between the volcanos. Beautiful country.

  • Philip

    Dean, this is kind of random but how’s poker been? Is that on the back burner due to Covid19 or any plans to play tournaments soon?

    • dwsmith

      Poker rooms are closed still, for the most part. I had hoped to play in the World Series this year before Covid. All postponed or online. I’ll play again in 2021

  • Stefon Mears

    Portland traffic’s not bad right now. Not saying there aren’t faster ways to Lincoln City, but getting around Portland is pretty easy right now.