Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running

I Got Nothing…

Day Was A Day Off…

Got up after four hours sleep and ran/walked a 5K at sunrise with Kris. I wasn’t planning on running, but did anyway. So bottoms of my feet were sore when done.

Made breakfast when we got home, then passed out for three hours and had lunch.

Then Kris and I piled into the car and went back to the scene of the crime from that morning and did another 5K. This time Lisa joined us, so while Kris went off running, Lisa and I walked the 5K through the desert and the rabbits and had a perfectly fine time. (Kris ran both races without stopping.)

Home for dinner, some television, a great movie with Tom Hanks called News of the Day, and now I am in here doing a blog before I pass out again for the day. Nothing done except a few emails. Sometimes days like that happen.

Kris at Sunrise

Dean at Sunrise

Kris with Golden Knights blow-up whatever after morning race… (These were Golden Knight charity runs…)

Dean With Golden Knights blow-up toy after morning race…

Dean and Lisa at sunset crossing the finishing line

The two different medals we each got for doing two different runs on the same day…


  • Mark Kuhn

    I really need to lose weight myself. In March of 2020, my knee surgery was cancelled because of Covid. So they gave me a Cortisone shot and it helped until I aggravated it shoveling out from under last weeks 30 plus inches of snow here in NJ. Wearing a heavy brace helps, but there is no where to walk around here until some of this snow melts.