Challenge,  Fun Stuff

Home Safely

Watched The Game…

Then fixed a few workshops that had glitched and not loaded week #6 while I was gone. Sorry about that.

The Superstars conference was great fun and I loved all the conversations with other writers.

And I learned a ton, right up and through the dinner with Mark and Kevin and Allyson and Rebecca after closing ceremonies. I think over the week I had at least five different business meetings, and then a ton of great lunches and dinners and just sitting and talking with great writers like Robert Jeschonek and Joanna Penn. Super fun. Thanks, all, for the great conversations.

I got great feedback on my hour talking about editing in this modern world. And really great comments on the two hour Writing into the Dark class. I was also on a Kickstarter panel and a Writers of the Future panel and did some one-on-one coaching.

I got very little sleep because of the brutal change in my schedule, so slept on both flights back and then fell asleep in the first half of the game and took a two hour nap after the game. I think I am back on schedule now, thankfully. I am too old to be that exhausted for anything except running a half marathon or something like that.

Proof I was there. A great brain-storming session with Mark Leslie, Joanna Penn, and Kevin J. Anderson. Not a clue who took the picture.