Challenge,  workshops

Fun Stretch Goal

Since The Original Goal Got Hit…

I figured it was time to get a really cool stretch goal posted. This stretch goal has something for the readers and something for the writers.

So if this campaign hits $9,000, I will give everyone who pledged at any level an electronic copy of my large collection Stories from July. It contains 32 short stories plus all the blogs I wrote about writing them.

And also, on top of that, each person pledging to this campaign will get a credit for a Classic Workshop of their choice worth $150. (If you are a lifetime workshop subscriber, you can take the equivalent in lectures or Pop-Ups we offer.)

Nifty stretch goal, huh? Workshop and huge collection. So help me pass the word and see if we can get there.

And again, thank you, everyone, for your support.

Smith’s Stories: Make 100 Paperback Books


  • Denise Gaskins

    Is this a typo? *Any* pledge gets the book and workshop credit, if you reach the stretch goal?

    Even if somebody only pledged a dollar or whatever?

    I totally love some of your stories. But most of them are just not to my taste. Still, I’d certainly gamble a dollar for a book of stories, knowing there’d be at least a couple I’ll enjoy — and that’s crazy-low for a workshop!

    • dwsmith

      The minimum is a $20 reward for the three electronic collections of all 100 stories. So that is the minimum. There is a place you can put $1, but it says pledge with no award. Those will not count since there is no rewards including stretch goals. So $20 is the smallest reward and yes, if you take that, you get a classic workshop and another large collection. (grin) Pretty good deal.

  • Emilia

    “Nifty stretch goal, huh?”

    That is the understantement of this century. Created a Kickstarted account to pledge.