Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

Friday Night… No Questions

The Decade Ahead Class for 2020…

Got no questions today. Guess I got it moderately clear. I think it might be the best class we have ever tried to teach. Going to be fun, that’s for sure, with lots of videos every month, some assignments, and a special Pop-Up included as extra every quarter.

So with new videos in the Shared Worlds class (more coming late next week) and assignments there all answered, and since I will be reading but not responding to Challenge stories until after Christmas, I will now go to bed early.

Why? Because I have to be up in about six hours to go on a fun run with Kris and Val and Steph. Only 5K, but still fun.

There will be pictures I am sure.

So back here at the computer before noon. Lots of things to do this weekend.

And I really hope a lot of you will take a look at The Decade Ahead. At least the first quarter. It’s going to be a really, really special class.

One Comment

  • Kate Pavelle

    I have no questions about the Decade Ahead… I’m mostly bogged down in financial planning, trying to figure out whether it’s one of those events I can afford now, or whether it’s the kind I can’t afford NOT to take!