
Dictating Gold Almost Gone


Kevin J Anderson can show you how it is done TO DICTATE NOVELS. I am repeating this because if you have thought of dictating, you want this and it is never offered anywhere.

On Kevin’s Dan Shamble Kickstarter campaign, he has the raw audio files of the entire new book he dictated, untouched. If you ever thought of wanting to dictate fiction, listen to how Kevin does it.

The entire raw file at the $100 reward level.

No professional author who dictates ever lets anyone see their raw file. This is the chance to get one for his new book and learn from the entire raw file, first word to last. Plus you get a copy of the ebook to compare it to.


Kickstarter campaign only has 16 hours left and this chance will be gone by tonight.

Don’t miss this chance if you ever thought you might want to dictate a novel instead of type it. You will never, ever get this chance again.

Just go to and search for Double Booked A New Dan Shamble Zombie PI novel.


  • Sean Monaghan

    Thanks for the push there – just squeaked in to get it. I have ‘thought’ of dictating, but have always figured I can type faster than I can talk. So this will be a good chance for some learning outside of my regular lane.

  • Michèle Laframboise

    I do have Kevin’s book “how to be a dictator” (hee-hee!) I also think I can tap faster than talk, but on my long walk/runs alone, dictating would come as a fun way to fill my training time!