Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


Got to Love Them…

I wrote four short stories in the last week or so, got two more to do I found out today. Actually thought I only had one, but had missed one.

And in a wonderful meeting (wonderful because everyone at WMG Publishing is healthy and our offices are still there), I got a number of other deadlines set. When focused, I work great to deadlines, and at the moment I am focused on writing and exercise. So I should be fine.

My writing deadlines for the next month. (Yes, I do mean one month.)

— Two new original short stories.

— Introductions and author intros for Cat Book #6 and #7.

— Finish Cave Creek novel Card Sharp Silver and do a quick bible for the shared world.

— Finish new Cold Poker Gang novel called Bottom Pair.

— Put together and finish and turn in three Pulphouse collections, Twist of a Knife, Aliens Among Us, and Messed Up.

— Write the introduction to Pulphouse #10 special issue edited by Mark Leslie.

— Put together and do introductions for Pulphouse #11-13. And turn in.

— Put issues #45-50 together of Smith’s Monthly. And do introductions and turn in for copyediting.

That is a great amount, but very possible if I am focused, to get done by this time in October. Actually will be fun.

If you add that up, it’s 20 projects. All under deadline.

And walk/run about 6-8 miles a day on average.
