Challenge,  publishing

Coaching… Getting Your Stuff Out…

So I Finally Decided To Do This…

I have been talking a lot, in a lot of places, with fiction writers who have for one reason or another trouble getting their work out to readers. And often when this builds up, it causes a slowdown in the writing itself. A form of writer’s block.

Kris and I have had many discussions about this problem. It turns out, every writer seems to be stuck at a very different place. And the topic is so huge, it just can’t be covered in a few workshops or classes.

Some writers are stuck right at the start, facing the seemingly massive task of learning how to simply format a book in Vellum, learn how to do their own cover, and then learn how to do sales copy and the different things needed to get the story or novel on Amazon and the other places.

Other writers have done the basics, but have not one clue as to how to set it up as a business and what to do with even coffee money coming in.  They need help on just the basic business things needed to set a firm foundation under a writing career.

Other writers I hear having trouble with even pretending to understand how to get the word out on their work in marketing, especially with so much bogus information out there. Marketing in the new world is actually pretty easy and cheap, if not a way to make money, but you have to know how to do it and that is the problem for many.

Other writers don’t see modern sales paths, ways of getting their work to readers and finding and building new readers as they go.

And corporations for writers seems so far away for so many. What is the best corporation for writers, when to even think about setting it up, how to set it up, and then what to do with it?

Those are the main areas that I decided I could help some writers with coaching them one-on-one through the problems they face. Get the writer past the fears that force non-action.

Main Areas Are…

1… Basics of Getting a Story or Novel into Print. From manuscript to sale on Amazon.

2… Set up a basic fiction writing business. From getting a business name, checking, expenses you can deduct. (here in the States), taxes, and so much more in that basic business area. If you are just getting started, I can save you a ton of money over a very short amount of time right here.

3… Modern Marketing. If you have been listening to the scams about Facebook and Amazon ads, and are tempted with the overnight money they promise, you really will need this. Marketing is a slow and steady process that includes a ton of different things.  Lots of things you can do correctly without much cost.

4… Modern Sales Paths… This area is a look at all the amazing numbers of ways you can get your books and your brand out to readers and buyers. From doing Merch that costs you nothing to finding distributors for your IP starting with the basic understanding of all the ways to sell books and how paper books can be marketed to bookstores. And even more.

5… Setting up a corporation for writers, one that works for writers. When to do it, how to do it, when to get help, how to use a corporation to save so much money you will be stunned. But it also takes understanding that corporations are separate from you, have different IP rules, and so much more. (I am not an attorney or accountant and will tell you when you need one, but I can coach you as a writer in these areas.)

Here is what I am offering.

I will one-on-one coach you for 3 months. We work together at the start to see which area  you want to work your way through, then set up a schedule that fits your world, and you report into me every two weeks and we adjust or move to the next step in the process. I will give you the entire process ahead so you always know what you are working for. I will be available at any point for questions, of course.

I will take five or six writers to coach. Again, three months. Cost is $500 for the three months. Write me with what you are interested in. If I don’t think I can help you, I will tell you.

Again, limited to five or six. With focused intensity on an area, I can help you get through that area and keep building a writing career and business.

— If you are already working with me being your mentor, you can write me and switch to a focus of one of these areas for three months. No cost, of course. And then after the focus for three months you can go back to the regular mentor reporting you are doing. But if you do one of these, I would like you to focus on it for three months. Let me know. (How many of you jump over will determine if I can take five or six. I will take five for sure, not counting those already working with me as a mentor.)

— The weekly Publishing Mondays will cover a bunch of this, but not in a coaching and focused way.

— I mentioned in the last Writer’s Block about a possible third session. It is clear there is not enough interest in a third session, so that class will end in a few weeks.

THIS IS NOT CRAFT. This is all on the business of publishing side. If you want great craft help, take Kris’s CRAFT IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Information in yesterday’s blog.

— And sorry, this is not on Teachable or the Writer’s Store, so no subscriptions or credits can apply. This is just me doing this.

So write me if interested and tell me exactly what area you are interested in me helping you one-on-one coaching.

I’m going to have fun with this and at least feel I am helping a few writers get their work out to readers.


— I have one full mentorship available. Been available for a while now. Yes, it can include this and will go into the future as long as you want. Write me if interested. Cost is $3,000.

— There is one and only one Lifetime Subscription to In-Person workshops left. When that is gone we will close those up for another four or five years. Or until one opens up. Cost is $3,000. Write me if interested.

— You can get a Lifetime Subscription to Everything on Teachable for half price. ($5,000 or less if you have another lifetime subscription.)  This is the only thing we will be putting on sale in celebration of our new Shopify Store opening. Usually we do a full sale when a store opens, but not this year. Write me if interested.



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