For January and February…
REPORTING February 28th, 2025
Total is from January 1st to February 28th…
189.680 words.
54 Stories, 5 Novel Starts so far. (I count the novel starts as a story in my story per day challenge.)
Averaging about 3,215 words per day. That is close to Pulp 2 speed.
February turned out to be a rough month in a number of places and lack of time. March is feeling like it will be better.
I had no novel starts in February until the last eight days. Then I had two Thunder Mountain novel starts and a Cold Poker Gang novel start. Nature of the challenge, but annoying because one novel start got o close to 4,000 words before I figured it out.
So here is how my series worked out without one non-series story. I think that is because of the time restraints.
Detective Crunch (4), Marble Grant (5), Thunder Mountain (3 plus two novel starts), Seeders Universe (1), Pahked Jones (1), Mary Jo Assassin (4), Cold Poker (2 plus a novel start.)
Kris has read about 30 of the 54 short stories. So all great there. Didn’t even start giving them to her until I was a couple weeks into the challenge.
Now March not only do I pick up word count some, (Get up to Pulp 3) but also start getting these stories headed toward print so you folks can start reading some of them.
Stay tuned. Still going forward.
Harvey Stanbrough
Congrats, Dean. You’re in the lead. I’m currently at 187244 (Jan/Feb). Had one day “off” and one poor day. Sigh. Only 4 novels and 9 short stories on the year to date. Onward and upward!
Love the “Only.” So much fun. Love the attitude. So refreshing. Thanks, Harvey.