Restart Challenge
I Love Restarting… Everything feels fresh and I can pretend that the problems earlier didn’t happen or don’t exist. I have missed about two weeks of stories total in my Write A Story A Day challenge. Not bad, but now I am starting fresh, making sure I get a story per day done, and when I have some extra time, finish a second one to catch up. But the challenge for me this next three months is to write a story per day, and maybe catch up four or five of the days I missed. Totally possible. But it would not be possible without the attitude of restarting. Three years…
Value on Lifetime Everything Subscription…
Got An Observation That I Have To Respond To… Someone commented that if they bought a Lifetime Everything Subscription to our workshops on WMG Teachable, it would take years to make up for the costs in new workshops. I went, “Huh, that’s not right.” But I wasn’t sure, so I had to go figure it out to make sure. (grin) Here are the new classes and workshops we have added onto Teachable since January 1st of this year (2025). In essence under three months. ONLY THE NEW STUFF!! (Remember, the Lifetime Everything Subscription is for the 600 or so classes and workshops already there, plus everything going into the future.)…
Let Me Show You A Brand…
POKER BOY BRAND… I have been writing Poker Boy stories since 1987. And over the years I tried to settle on a brand look as it became clear that Poker Boy was a main part of my writing. Marble Grant, Ghost of a Chance books and stories, Sky Tate, Pahket Jones, and others like Detective Crunch are all in the Poker Boy Universe. Finally, with all the learning I have been doing on brands and trademarks, the brand for Poker Boy finally came together with the brilliant help of Stephanie at WMG. And the look of the covers is finally settled as well. So firing up a Poker Boy Kickstarter…
Fun and Excitement…
Building a Brand… Right now Steph and I (mostly Steph) are building the Poker Boy brand. In all the years I have been writing Poker Boy stories (since 1987), I have never been able to come up with a look, a brand look, for Poker Boy. At times, his stories had covers that sort of illustrated an event in the story. At one point we went to these really nifty cartoon covers designed by comic writer Lee Allred. Then we gave up on those and I started putting really wonderful fantasy women on the covers. So with a bunch of brainstorming and just standing back and asking basic questions, we…
Explaining the Class
LICENSING: HOW TO CREATE A BRAND The class is starting tomorrow. (Tuesday) It is a nine week class leading up to the Licensing Expo. It is on Teachable. So let me set a scene for you… You are at (name any place as a setting that you might run into someone with a connection to a license). For now just think major convention or the Licensing Expo, but it can happen anywhere and has to both me and Kris. A person who can license IP who is interested in finding new IP to license comes to learn you own IP. Here is how the conversation goes… Person: “So, what’s your…
Kris and I Both Noticed…
Writer’s Having Trouble with Five Senses… Especially Taste and Smell. So Kris came up with an entire series of short classes, with a webinar at the end for questions, to deal with this problem, and other problems writers are having. She decided she liked the idea of doing a series of QUICK AND DIRTY WORKSHOPS. Short Solutions to Long-Term Problems. The first one is on Taste and Smell and is available now and will start shortly. Three weeks of videos from Kris, two assignments, then after the third week Kris will do a webinar to answer questions. It is on the WMG Writer Store because of the webinar involved. (She…
I’m Laughing At Myself…
I Just Keep Thinking… That what has me totally fascinated and learning will also be interesting to other people. And I just keep thinking that knowing how to make a ton more money with your writing is a good thing. Nope, just not interesting to most writers. Seems that most writers are locked into the idea that what you make with sales is from Amazon. So because I was interested in laying it all out over nine weeks, I fired up a LICENSING — How to Build a Brand in the Nine Weeks Between Now and the Licensing Expo in late May. Starts Tuesday. Got a few Lifetime Everything Subscribers…
One Day Left on Fantasy Kickstarter
Ends Thursday Evening… I want to remind you all again about the two fantastic workshops in this Kickstarter. Do you really know the steps and what it takes to revive a book or series that is four or five years old and not selling much if any? Or maybe the book never sold many copies and needs a first push. The first workshop will give you a step-by-step plan on how to do it. The second special workshop is something everyone needs. How to Take Risks. Fiction writing and publishing should never be safe. Check it out here… — #1… HOW TO REVIVE AN OLDER BOOK OR STORY… This is…
Two Really Special Workshops in Kickstarter…
You Only Have Until Thursday Evening… For the writers who love to write stories and learn the craft and business of writing, we are offering some very, very special treats through this 3 Epic Fantasy Kickstarter campaign. These two courses will only be offered through this campaign and nowhere else, so don’t miss them. Check it out here… — #1… HOW TO REVIVE AN OLDER BOOK OR STORY… This is a special three-week workshop on how to revive an older book or story (without rewriting it). In this modern world, books often fade in sales until basically no reader sees them. Yet the book (as the three in this campaign)…
How to Create and Build a Brand… Early Bird Discount… This nine-week glass is starting on Tuesday the 18th and will run right up to the Licensing Expo in May. Now granted, we do not expect anyone to take the class and then come to the Expo, not a requirement, but by understanding this class, you can start building your own brands for future sales and Expos. LICENSING… HOW TO BUILD AND CREATE A BRAND. From manuscript all the way to the Licensing Expo, this class will give you step-by-step guidence on how to create a product brand, an author brand, and a company brand. This might be one of…