• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Learning is Forever…

    In Writing and Publishing… Kris and I were talking today on the way back from lunch about some of the writers who have just faded away. And the more we talked, the more we realized that we knew the answer on what happened to most of them. They all just stopped learning. They reached a level that they were happy with their writing and stopped learning for a dozen different reasons. That is flat deadly in just a few years. The reason I hear the most and understand the least is the fear that learning something will upset some perfect balance in their writing and they will never sell again.…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    A Success!

    Support for a Lot of Writers… That’s what the success of the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive means. A lot of writer’s stories get published over the next year in six issues of the magazine, and in six different collections as well. In total, over the next year ,we will publish about 180 short stories from top fiction writers. And more readers get to read the writer’s work. Maybe find it for the first time. Another win for the writers. Let me give you just a basic breakdown of costs. Each issue costs around $4,000 in just author costs. Let me repeat that… Just author costs… Sometimes a little more,…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Some Nifty Updates

    And a Fun Book If We Get There… On the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter campaign, I had added a Christmas anthology of Pulphouse stories at the top level. Yesterday, Allyson reminded me that we had a Christmas collection of Pulphouse stories as a stretch reward before that we never got to. It was titled JINGLE MY BELLS (love that title) and we even have a cover for it. (Cover below…) So I added that into the top level of the Kickstarter and put up the cover on the campaign. This time I hope we get to that level and I honestly think we have a shot. We have eight days…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Nine Years

    Talking About the Power of a Streak… Nine years ago today, 3,285 days ago, I started a blogging streak. The idea was to blog about something, anything every day. (I had been doing a few blogs before that on the Star Trek boards and so on.) No excuses. Traveling, sick, computer failures, other more important things to do. None of that mattered. Blog had to be done. And for some reason that got into my DNA and now every night Kris even asks me if I got a blog done. As with all streaks, I had other motives at the start and never, in a billion years, did I think…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

    Copyright And Value and Estates

    Yes, I Know… Sounds Boring… But has some real world aspects to it that come clearly to the front with this Kickstarter Campaign for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Let me give you two examples. A negative one first, then a very positive one. Kris and I were doing two anthologies for stretch rewards for the last Pulphouse Fiction Magazine campaign two years ago. I was doing Stories from the Original Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine and Kris was editing Stories from Pulphouse: A Hardback Magazine. (Both are now published.) Seems simple, right? Pick my favorite stories, contact the authors, make them an offer, sign a contract and publish the story in the…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Another Long Moving Day

    Got the Original Pulphouse Books Up and In Place… Wow, we did a lot of books, especially when you consider three or four states per book. 285 different titles. Took a bunch of moving from our office condo which is where they were to up here. Also today submitted for approval another Kickstarter Campaign. This one for Pulphouse Magazine subscriptions.  Going to be a good one. In fact, it has two special three-week workshops that will run in September and October. You can only sign up for them through the campaign. One is a complete redo of HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY. Not even going to look at the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Business Master Class Started

    Turn On Your Email on Teachable… If you are in the Business Master Class and didn’t get a letter from me tonight, you have your email off on Teachable. I will communicate a bunch in the Business Master Class and other workshops through Teachable email. Turn it on if you want announcements and other information. Just go to your Teachable dashboard. For those with it off, (meaning you did not get a letter from me) you need to go to the class and watch the first videos and there is a code there to get into Pop-Up #39 which is the first class of maybe up to 40 classed to…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Massive Movement on Move Stuff…

    Not a Lot of Writing… But Kris and I completed at lunch the first class for the Business Master Class. All I got to do is record it now and get it up. I will put a couple new introduction videos on the Business Master Class as well explaining everything. So as promised, starting up here in the middle of July. I think I have one of our old condos down to only a few hours of work left before the movers come in to take boxes and stuff to storage. The other one Kris and I will tackle together. I think our hardest problem in that one, our old…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Signpost Along the Road…

    We All Have Them… Just like driving on any road, sometimes you notice the sign telling you where on the road you are at, sometimes not. For the last number of decades, I have paid little attention to the signs on my writing road. But my first decade or two, I sure watched the signposts, tried to figure out if I was even still on the correct road at times for where I wanted to go with my writing and publishing. And over the years, stretching this sad metaphor a little more, I fell off the road and took some bad turns that just took longer to get back on…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Back to Writing Posts Here…

    Tomorrow… I hope everyone got what they wanted from all the sales we did over this last year. We have some amazing stuff planned at WMG and here in the workshops for the summer and fall and into the winter. But right now I’m going to be working to get a bunch of stuff caught up and back on track. Licensing Transition, Cat Stories, and Decade Ahead as I mentioned earlier. Plus looks like later this fall the Shared Worlds class will go into its second phase, which will be a blast. And I am still on track, surprisingly, to hit my publish seventy books in my seventieth year on…