Since I Am Now Writing At Pulp Speeds Again…
Just For Fun… I wanted to bring this Pulp Speed post back again just for fun for me to read again as I am firing along now for almost two months at Pulp Speeds. I figured I could use it again as well. (grin) (And yes, tomorrow I will list the story I wrote today and the one I will write tomorrow… Challenge still going fine.) (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since, skipping 2022. Last time here was October. And this month March… I made the Pulp Speed class a regular workshop again so…
Always a Battle On Monday…
Lot of Email and Workshop Stuff On Mondays… So getting a daily story done is a battle, carving out the time. Every Monday is a victory when a story gets done and tonight it was a Marble Grant story called “A Window for No Time.” Love that title. Got kind of snarky with the story, which was also fun. I am so looking forward to starting the next stage of this, which is ramping up the publishing part. I will feel a lot better if Kris has read a month’s worth of stories before I fire into that. So not far off. Shortest story so far is 1,600 words and…
Last Day to Get Craft Class on Early Bird Discount…
And Challenge Going Onward… So first off, today is the last day to get the CRAFT IN THE 21ST CENTURY done by Kris for $200 for the 9 weeks. It will switch to $250 late Monday night. This class on WMG Teachable is something Kris really wanted to do. She will be recording videos every week and they will come out on Monday some time. The first week’s videos are now up. No assignments, just learning about how some craft things have changed in the 21st century. 9 Weeks of Mondays. Early bird price is $200 until Monday night late, then it goes to $250. Here is the video of…
Coaching… Getting Your Stuff Out…
So I Finally Decided To Do This… I have been talking a lot, in a lot of places, with fiction writers who have for one reason or another trouble getting their work out to readers. And often when this builds up, it causes a slowdown in the writing itself. A form of writer’s block. Kris and I have had many discussions about this problem. It turns out, every writer seems to be stuck at a very different place. And the topic is so huge, it just can’t be covered in a few workshops or classes. Some writers are stuck right at the start, facing the seemingly massive task of learning…
January Challenge Stories
Managed A Story Per Day For 31 Days… I have some adjustments to make, such as starting earlier in the day. But very happy with going from zero to full speed on fiction. 101,280 consumable words. That’s on pace for about 1.2 million words this year. Not up to my average yet, but close and a lot of things in January cut into that word count, so we shall see how it works in February and March. Working to get back above 1.3 million words. Here are the story titles for January… List of JANUARY Challenge Stories The Notes She Left Behind… Thunder Mountain A Lost Darkness… Marble Grant Death…
Story #29…
Two More Stories to Complete January… Considering I jumped from zero to full speed overnight, I will take it. I will do an inventory of the stories and word counts from January in a few days. On the publishing side, Kris has read 12 of them and I will be putting the first collection of ten together as soon as I work out an issue with doing the covers. The idea is for me to do a collection every two weeks once I start them. I will also be putting some of the stories in issues of Smith’s Monthly. Thinking the restart of that now March. I will also be…
Story #27…
Just Kind of Stumbling Along… Got some adjustments to make, but about to drop this challenge into the publishing part. That’s going to make it even more interesting. Story tonight was a Bryant Street story and I started it with a play off of Serling’s old Twilight Zone episode starts. Kind of fun. Also I think I got it finally why writers have trouble with valuation of their own property. Here is the analogy. If you built say a theater complex with all kinds of extras involved. And you opened it for business and the first night it made $500, if you were a writer you would think that theater…
Quick Workshop Update and Story #22
Story Challenge Still Going… First I want to update a few things on workshops. We have one Lifetime Subscription to All In-Person Workshops left available, then we are going to close it down again. Last time that was open was 2017. And there is only one left now. Cost is $3,000 and write me if interested. We have one mentorship open with me. It lasts for as long as you want it to last and I am here to answer question and be your supporter and cheerleader. I ask that you report to me regularly on how things are going and I will help with covers and sales copy and…
Story #19 in 19 Days…
Yes, It Is Getting Easier… Belief system in the creative voice is back solidly. Like I tell others, after life rolls, the writing is still there and sometimes a little stronger. Working out that way for me. Today I started off by spell-checking three of the earlier stories so I am about 7 stories ahead of Kris reading now. She liked the first two. Yay. But if she doesn’t, I will still publish them as is. But nice she is liking them. We walked to lunch. Beautiful winter day. I then watched some football, had a nap, cooked dinner, then after recording a workshop I spent far, far too much…
Story #15 on Day #15
Starting Stories Toward Publication… Starting in a day or so, after the dust settles here from the In-Person Space Opera class, I will start getting a story per day to Kris to read. I will be doing covers for each story as I go along and of course writing a new story per day. But the story Kris sees will be a few weeks behind where I am at in the writing. Then the next step in making sure I have something to do with these stories is to put the first 10 into a collection, maybe with an unpublished story from a previous challenge. I will do the introduction…