• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    It All Started With Workshops

    We Called Everything a Workshop… At least in the beginning. And we tried to fit everything we decided to try to teach into the workshop format for the first number of years of online classes. But that slowly became clear it would not work, so we came up with lectures, and then Pop-Ups, and then general classes of all kinds and shapes. Every month we do regular workshops, the ones we consider to be the core classes every writer needs. Those regular monthly workshops are six weeks long, have five assignments, and about 40 videos total each. When a workshop loses attention, but we still feel it is important knowledge…

  • Challenge,  motivation,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Wow! Have We Done a Lot…

    I Swore I Wouldn’t Do Online Classes… Not kidding. I swore I wouldn’t do them. Back before there was anything like Teachable, I was pushed into doing one online class one fall by a group of writers, encouraged by my wife. I swore it would only be one. I honestly did. Kris and I laid out the class and I presented it. Had to create a web site that acted very much like Teachable for the first few years. Then since we had decided for the moment to not do any more in-person classes, I did a few more over that first year. (We brought the in-person classes back at…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Looking Forward…

    Monday Morning Classes… Over the years we have done numbers of Monday morning classes, where every Monday morning four new videos appear on a certain topic. For 2025 we are doing PUBLISHING MONDAY and BITE-SIZED BRANDING AND TRADEMARK. Both should be great fun, 52 weeks of four videos per week per class, and they are available as the 4th item on the 12 Days sale list for 50% off. (No homework or assignments, just learning every week.) In 2023, we did a very future-looking Monday morning class called THE DECADE AHEAD, talking each week on how to focus out ten years with your writing and publishing. And just today I…

  • Challenge,  motivation,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More Challenges for the New Year…

    Our Regular Four Challenges Enter the 2025 Holiday Sale… For years now we have had four challenges that writers can jump into at any point during the year and start at any time. — THE GREAT CHALLENGE which is to write and send to me one short story a week. — THE GREAT PUBLISHING CHALLENGE which is to publish one major thing a month. (Collection, novella, or novel.) — THE GREAT NOVELLA CHALLENGE which is to write a new novella every month. — THE GREAT NOVEL CHALLENGE which is to write a new novel every two months. Very few people have tried the novel challenge and only a couple of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Talking About Advanced Craft….

    So Much To Learn and It Never Ends with Craft.. I am always calling very advanced and successful writers “Stage Four” writers because they do things in craft and storytelling to hold readers. And readers never see what the writer is doing and most middle stage writers can’t see it either. Sort of like watching a chess master when you “play” chess. You know the pieces and how they are supposed to move, but you can’t see what the chess master is doing. So a few years back Kris and I put together 18 Advanced Craft Workshops. They are nine weeks long each. We did six in 2023, six more…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Fail to Success…

    Got A Number of Questions About That Statement… Fail to Success… Most writers, when they set a goal like a page count daily goal, or a number of products finished, get stuck on the number and if they do not hit their goal number start repeating to themselves that they have failed. Horrid thing to do to yourself. Just horrid and very negative and leads to all kinds of other problems. I do exactly the opposite. I tend to set goals that are product-finished driven. Number of stories, number of novels, books published and so on. I do not get into what will be in the stories or content or…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Deciding on a Challenge

    Setting Writing Goals for the New Year… I have noticed this year that I seem to be very shell-shocked, for lack of a better way of putting it, when it comes to setting a goal for 2025. Never remember having this issue before. I am not afraid of failing with a challenge. I always fail to success with every challenge, and failing is a part of publishing. Just nature of the beast. So no worry there when setting a goal. But these last two years have been brutal in life events for me. First I lost vision and only regained a part of it, then I smashed up my shoulder…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  The Kris and Dean Show,  workshops

    The Power of a Streak…

    I Get Reminded of Streak Power At Times… Especially on a Friday night, after a stupidly difficult week. Why? Because I have a streak of blogging every night. And wow does this streak have power. No chance on the planet would I be at this computer tonight without this streak. But tonight is day 3,920 WITHOUT MISSING A DAY… That is flat nuts, But here I am. And sometime in March if my math is correct, if the streak does not get broken, I will pass 4,000 days without missing. Internet outage before hot spots, dozens and dozens of power outages, crashed computers, me in the hospital twice. Never missed.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    Trying Something Old/New Tomorrow, if the schedule allows, I am headed with a friend to hit a few golf balls. Now understand, way back in time I used to be a PGA professional and I could play pretty well for the time. But for the last number of years, I have not hit a golf ball and am not sure if I can. Why? Lost a lot of my vision two years back. Last year I smashed up my shoulder and it is now titanium. Plus with the injury I gained about twenty pounds around my middle that I have not been able to shed yet. Plus I am 74.…

  • Branding,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  The Kris and Dean Show,  workshops


    Watching the Old Magnum Television Series… It was filmed in the eighties. We are watching it not to study anything, but to shut down and enjoy the entertainment, even though sometimes dated. Still fun. The one we watched tonight was about the internment camps of Japanese Americans on the islands. It happened 40 years before the show was aired and they kept talking about those 40 years. The show aired 40 years ago now. So interesting to think about the 80 years. 40 years ago Kris and I had not met yet (a couple of years from meeting, actually). We were both writing like crazy, but both of us were…