New Coast Workshops Announced
Getting Ahead This Year… Since so many people asked for the dates of the coast workshops in 2018 and early 2019, we figured we would announce them a month ahead of time this year so people have more time to plan. You can go to Coast Workshops tab above to get more information about each workshop and how to sign up if you haven’t been here before. If you have questions, write me. Here are the dates of the coming coast workshops. ANTHOLOGY WORKSHOP… Feb 24th through March 3rd, 2018. Six spots open. (Start writing early December.) FANTASY WORKSHOP… April 14th through the 21st, 2018. Taught by Kris. Completely full.…
Anthology Workshop Surprise
I Was Surprised to Say the Least… Tonight I was doing a quick check of the upcoming coast workshops. We have the Master Business class here in a couple weeks, then the next up is the Anthology Workshop. That actually is the 24th of February to March 3rd. But the group list for the Anthology workshop will start in a week and the actual workshop starts at the end of November when the first writing assignments are sent out. Just over a month away. I had not looked at how many were signed up in a long time. My focus was elsewhere, to be honest, but tonight I discovered there…
Nifty Short Ad for Pulphouse Kickstarter
Thought You Would All Enjoy The Attitude… Below is a link to a short ad that WMG Publishing did for the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter. It will be on Facebook and other places in a little bit. I think it fits the attitude of Pulphouse wonderfully. If I can’t have fun with this new/old project, no point in doing it. SPECIAL NEW OFFER!!! For those of you who are getting workshop credits through Kickstarter, for every workshop credit, you will also get a Classic Workshop credit. That’s right, a $150 value workshop. I just am finishing putting into classic status Genre Structure workshop. I have about five workshops more to…
Pricing Silliness and a Learning Lesson
Five Years is Forever in Indie Publishing… Well, I spent the last two nights going back and trying to update and then even fisk my own post from five years ago about pricing. What a fool’s errand. The post was so out of date, I just kept shaking my head in amazement and wondering who wrote it. I was looking at it through 2017 glasses and a ton of new knowledge. Stunning, just stunning how many changes in this business have happened. In the last five years we have done a master business class here on the coast every October, the next one in a few weeks. And every year…
Amazing Amount of Things Going On
A Crazy Week! One week ago we launched the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter. And within seven days not only did it fund, but it went past its second stretch goal. Wow. And you can get discount workshops through the Kickstarter, don’t forget. Then we also announced a new online workshop yesterday for November. Novel Structure. Taking sign-ups now. We also announced yesterday a new Covers Branding workshop for Science Fiction starting on the 18th and taught by Allyson Longueira. You get a template from that one for your books. Taking sign-ups for this one as well. It is not a normal monthly workshop. Information on both of those workshops in…
Starting in November… NOVEL STRUCTURE Understanding the basic structure of a modern novel helps make writing novels so much easier and enjoyable. And each major genre has a structure that can be learned. And when you are writing between genres, understanding the basic structures of each genre’s novels will help you know where to put the book when finished. This is not a three-act structure or a hero’s journey structure or anything like that. This is real modern-fiction structures that readers come to expect in their books. This class will be full of techniques and awareness of how a form works. And more importantly, why a certain form works for…
Working On Pricing Post
Plus Working On Workshop Stuff Last Call for the October Online workshops that are starting. Still room in all of them. Online Workshops I will announce officially with description the new online Novel Structure workshop tomorrow while posting the November workshops. Actually I now have workshops posted out until April for those thinking of taking advantage of the Kickstarter workshop specials. There are some slots that say (TBA) for new workshops to come along. This Novel Structure Online Workshop will not be a “how to outline” workshop, but instead a workshop to teach you at a deep level the structure of novels. In numbers of genres and with different types of…
A Sort of Repeat
Still Having a Little Site Issue… So while the issue is getting cleared up, with luck by tomorrow (Monday), I figured I would just tell you again about the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter. We made our goal in just three days, which was wonderful!! And stunning. And now we are getting close to our first stretch goal. So thank you, everyone who supported this new/old project. It’s going to be great fun! The kickstarter is at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/403649867/pulphouse-fiction-magazine You really want to watch the fun video that Kris did to show the history of Pulphouse. It shows me and Kris aging very, very quickly. (grin) Also, September (last month) was the…
The Nifty Video
Watch Kris and I Age… This is the video that is on the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine kickstarter. Kris did it and I think caught the attitude of both the history and the magazine. Take a look if you haven’t seen it. Kris and I age. (grin) And right now, as I post this, we are at $4,000, only $1,000 away from making the goal in just two days. That makes my heart glad that our history with Pulphouse is coming back in this new form, with some writers from the original magazine and some fantastic new writers. And remember, you can get discounts on workshops and lectures while supporting Pulphouse.…
Workshop and Lecture Discounts
PULPHOUSE FICTION MAGAZINE KICKSTARTER… We just launched the Kickstarter for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. The kickstarter is at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/403649867/pulphouse-fiction-magazine You really want to watch the fun video that Kris did to show the history of Pulphouse. It shows me and Kris aging very, very quickly. (grin) Also, September (this month) is the 30 year anniversary of the launch of Pulphouse. Our first book came out in September, 1987. Holy smokes, are we that old, really? Looking at the video, I would say yes. (grin) WORKSHOP AND LECTURE DISCOUNTS And yes, just as with Fiction River kickstarter a year ago, you can get some deals on workshops and lectures. STRENGTHS WORKSHOPS The…