Ghost Novel: Day 3
As I said in the previous posts, I’m going to have one post per day here for the “ghost” novel writing process that I was hired by a New York publisher to do. I am aiming for 7 to 10 days to finish this novel. I can give ZERO hints about the content of the book, so please don’t ask. I am only talking about the writing process and my day around the writing process. I will add to this post at different times during the day right up until I head to bed so you can follow the process. At the end of each post I will add up…
Ghost Novel: Day 1
As I said in the previous post, I’m going to have one post per day here for the ghost novel writing process. (And no, this is not a novel about ghosts, this is me ghosting a novel because I was hired by a publisher. I explained all this in previous posts.) I will add to this post at different times today right up until I head to bed so you can follow the process. At the end of each post I will add up the daily word count and project word count. You want to see what a professional writer’s day is like, I’ll put it up here, every day…