Oh, Yes We Did…
Kris and I Killed Many a Good Brand… I got two different emails suggesting that it was hard to believe that business-focused writers like us could kill brands. “Must have been pretty minor brands.” Well, we can and we did. And like many writers, we only saw the real value in hindsight. For example, in 1987 I was offered a small press by the name of Axolotl. It was in financial problems and had promised a book and taken money on the book from readers, so we bought the press and got out the book and then we promptly changed the focus of the press to original science fiction novellas,…
Kill a Brand…
Indie Publishers Kill Brands All the Time… Indie publishers will spend all the time and money to build up a brand, then let it just coast until dead. Why? Numbers and numbers of reasons… Here are just a few. — Indie publishers have zero idea what they are creating when they publish books and stories. — Indie publishers seldom even understand copyright, let alone brands and trademarks. — Indie publishers just don’t care unless it helps them make a few extra sales on some Amazon measure. — Indie publishers seldom understand licensing or what a brand might get the publisher in yearly financial return. Thus indie publishers don’t often know…
Branding… Part 16…
I’ve Lost Track of The Numbers… A Branding Post… I got a question a few days back that was basically “Why are you so down on trademark?” Answer… “I am not.” But I am down on the seemingly purposeful desire to not learn on the part of fiction writers about copyright and trademark. Now that I am down on. And I don’t think a month goes by when some writer thinking they want to control something they dug out of the public domain (where all writing comes from) by finding an attorney hungry for money willing to slap a trademark on the thing. Stupid meet greed. Or worse yet, the…
Fiction Branding… Part 13
Branding Is Fun!! No clue if any of these branding posts go into any kind of order. I will figure that out down the road if I decide to do something with them. At the moment I am just learning and thinking. I realized a while back that branding a series was fun in a bunch of ways. Ways that hit me where I write and live, actually. I realized this when I found myself doing a “chart” of a brand on a series. (More like a rough spreadsheet.) Not anything for public consumption or a sales tool to a licensee. Just sort of me, for fun, keeping track of…