Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

Busy Start!

Wow, Is This a Busy Time…

No time off at all the last week or so. Just none except to watch one fun football game. And the fireworks at midnight on the Strip and Fremont Street. (Watched all those from our place, then went back to the computer.)

Even with my bad eye (that is slowly improving), I managed to get a lot done, including getting back to my own writing, something I will talk about in an upcoming blog.

For example, the Decade Ahead first week is up and posted.

And the first week of Bitesized Copyright is up and posted as well.

Those are both 52 week classes that are designed to help writers make a lot more money and keep going for decades to come. You can get more information and links to them at

Also all four of the January/February Collection Classes are up and I actually started all four a day early. Normally they wouldn’t start until Tuesday, but had them there, so started them.

Ghost Story Themed Collection, Pets Themed Collection, Portals Themed Collection, and Private Eye Themed Collection. All are nine weeks long and you write five stories during the nine weeks and publish the collection. I think the Ghost Story one is going to be a blast since I write so many of those kinds of stories normally.

Coming on Tuesday is the first week of the Advanced Pacing Class and the six Regular Workshops.

Again information on all of them at And you can get all year of all of them. Six collections, all six Advanced Craft workshops, or all four quarters of Decades Ahead and Bitesized Copyright.

But what is even wilder than all that is that I have been building a new Kickstarter campaign that will start on Tuesday at noon. The last two years Kris and I have done 100 story collections. COLLIDING WORLDS and CRIMES COLLIDE. This year we are doing 100 fantasy stories, 50 of mine and 50 of Kris’s called FANTASIES COLLIDE.

Beautiful, big, 5-volume set that all backers of the campaign get. And two really fun special workshops, and lots of stretch goals. You know, just like we did the last two years.

It will launch on Tuesday and click this link to have Kickstarter tell you when it launches.