Challenge,  Recommended Reading

Book #4 Published…

Book #4 in the Challenge…

I am working to publish 70 things in the year when I am officially 70. That year started back in the middle of November, so four means I am a little behind on pace.

I count only novellas, collections, novels, and anthologies (or magazine issues) with my name as editor on the cover. In other words, major books. I may also pace along with a different 70 challenge with stand-alone short stories, but will see on that.

I expected to be behind at this point. Basically I need to publish about 6 books a month. I have some things coming up that will help catch that up a lot. So stay tuned and I will keep reporting each book here as it comes out.

So for now, book #4 in my personal challenge is book #8 in the Cat of the Year series. It is called A Cat of Roving Nature and is for sale in most online stores and from

Here is the cover: