• workshops

    SPECIAL POST… One Day 50% Off Sale!!

    Just Today… Done Tomorrow!! This is a special post, not a daily regular one. For just today, everything on Teachable is 50% off and then we are done with it all. One day only everything on WMG Teachable 50% off. Everything. Just find the class or workshop you want on WMG Teachable and hit purchase and then put in the code and hit apply and you will get it for 50% off. Challenges, everything. code is: OneDaySale (Far and away the best deal is the LIFETIME EVERYTHING SUBSCRIPTION.) Monday only Sale!!! You miss and all the sales go away on Tuesday.

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Challenge Day 5 and Also One Day Sale!!

    Again I Was Stupidly Busy But I expected as much. Didn’t help that I expected it, but at least I didn’t get upset anywhere along the line. Tonight I put up the first weeks of two Monday classes. PUBLISHING MONDAY and also BITE-SIZED BRANDING AND TRADEMARK. As I was talking with Kris about them and how few had signed up, she just laughed. She said I have to know by now writers say they want that sort of thing but actually don’t. It seems that Kris and I are not normal. We want to keep learning everything we can, especially stuff that makes us more money and gets our writing…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Challenge Day Four… Crazy Busy…

    4:30 AM, So Not Writing Much On Publishing… I recorded the first week of both the Publishing Monday and also the Bite-Sized Branding and Trademark. And I had a lot to talk about tonight on that which will have to wait for tomorrow or the next. Story took me longer to finish, mostly because I got started on it so late . Learning and Such… The codes for the 12 Day Holiday Sale are still active and will be until Monday, so just a few more days and then they go away. Starting next week is the Romance Novella class on the WMG Writer Store (Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Mystery…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Day Three of the Challenge

    Stunningly Simple and Yet Difficult to Understand… You become a trademark owner as soon as you start using your trademark with your goods or services. You establish rights in your trademark by using it. Here is what I think is the problem with fiction writers with both copyright and trademark. Fiction writers have no issue making stuff up. Yet when it comes to putting a value on what they made up, even if readers or editors buy it, that product has no value to them. And writers purposely stick their fingers in their ears and hum the Star Spangled Banner when you try to talk with them about the value…

  • Branding,  Challenge,  workshops

    Second Day of Challenge…

    The Fiction Writer of 2025… Back in traditional days, when I came in, fiction writers had employees called “agents”who jumped to the writer’s beck and call and fetched drinks and chased money. They lived off of 10% and then 15% of what the author made and never said a word about a writer’s work. That was not their job. Writers were the artists, agents did the scut work. Writers built careers over dozens and dozens of novels, sometimes moving houses regularly. They did none of their own promotion because publishers had sales forces and there was only one way to sell books and that was through what was called the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    First Day of the Challenge…

    Publishing Opinions from Yesterday… Interesting that no one agreed or disagreed or said anything about the opinions yesterday of where I think indie in 2025 will go. But I did get a letter from a new writer asking me if my book Killing the Top 10 Sacred Cows of Publishing was still accurate. I told him it was dated and things are much worse now for traditional publishing for fiction writers than they were when I wrote the book ten or so years ago. Much worse. Traditional publishing is a graveyard for young fiction writers and their dreams. No other way to look at it, sadly. But this guy also…

  • Challenge

    A New Year… Finally…

    Publishing Didn’t Move Much in 2024… In general the industry didn’t move. Writers and indie publishers moved a lot, Kickstarter became even more welcoming to indie publishers, Shopify added some features to help us all, and BookVault spent the year trying to smooth out the wrinkles from their very fast start. But overall, with the exceptions of a few more tools for indie publishers, nothing changed. And what is left of traditional publishing in fiction is not worth even mentioning any more. Sadly, a lot of writers of fiction still lose their dreams and hopes into that churn of myths. Nothing at all any of us can do to help…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Quick Update on 12 Holiday Sale…

    THE CODES FOR THE SALE ARE STILL GOOD! At least they will be for a few more days. So if you want to grab that last minute tax deduction for 2024 and start some learning for the new year, now is the time to grab a class or challenge or something. Go back two blogs to Sunday for the full list of the 12 day sale. Write me with questions and have a great start to the new year…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    My 2025 Challenge

    And Back to the Format of this Blog… This blog on most nights will be in three parts for all of 2025. Part 1… PUBLISHING… First part I will talk about something in publishing or writing. More than likely finish the series on trademarks and so on. That will start tomorrow. Part 2… LEARNING… This will be all sorts of things about books or learning or workshops… For example, the 12 Holiday Days of Workshop Sales is still going. See yesterday’s blog. Great bargains to help you learn and get into the new year. Part 3… MY WRITING… Every night I will write about my writing that day, about the…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    A Quick Extra Post…

    To Answer Some 12 Workshop Sale Questions… I will still do a regular post later tonight. But got some questions I wanted to relay… And yes, sale is still good for a few more days… “Which of the 12 Days sale items would I pick to help for the New Year?” Well, assuming the Everything Subscription is out of the picture, I think there are two of the days that would really, really help for the New Year. If you want to improve your craft, than any of the Advanced Craft Bundles (That was Day 5). Those classes are turning out to be amazing. And if your focus is on…