• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Total Miss

    Day Turned Into a Crazy Busy Day… So no words done today. Will I miss other times on this challenge? Oh, you bet. I knew these last two days were going to be tough before I even set up this challenge. And sadly, I was right. But not worried in the slightest. The next seven look pretty good, so I still think I can get book one done by the end of the 10th day. We shall see. One thing about writing, it is never a straight-line process. Tomorrow I got something really cool to add into the last week of our Fiction River Kickstarter. I will announce it here.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Just Words… I Can Write More

    Not a Clue Who Originally Said That… I am sure it was some professional writer somewhere. Or maybe I just said it. I don’t know and Google is of no help. But that saying was how I answered a couple questions today about how this novel got started. When I said the 1,900 word short story “Hot Springs Meadow” failed, I didn’t mean it failed because of some critical voice garbage I had going on. No, it failed because I had set up an alternate timeline problem and a time travel problem and had not solved the problem. I think I just didn’t want to write the novel back when…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Day One of the Pulp Speed Challenge

    This Is Not The First Chapter of the Book… Just wanted to do a quick update here on the first day. Well, I got started. I will do a more complete one when I write the first chapter of the book here. I also walked 11,000 steps, one mile of which was running. I recorded some workshop stuff and did other stuff as well. And got my writing computer set up. That took longer than expected. I decided to write a book called Hot Springs Meadow: A Thunder Mountain Novel. I had, up until I pulled my chair in front of my writing computer, thought I would logically start with…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Introduction: Living at Pulp Speed Five

    Or At Least Some of the Introduction… I might cycle back and add stuff to the introduction for the book. But for now, a day ahead of the challenge starting, I’m going to write some of this introduction. It is below. So many of you will have heard some of this on the ramp-up to this challenge. But I have to put it all in the introduction to the book, so hang on. Also, still two spots left in the follow along to the challenge, where I send you a letter every night and you get to read whatever I manage to write way ahead of it coming out, in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Only One Day Until The Challenge Starts

    Follow Along Living at Pulp Speed Five. Still two spots left. This is limited to ten. Follow along with a letter from me every night for 100 days on my crazy challenge of writing ten novels in 100 days, plus I will write a book about it at the same time here on the blog. The basic details… — Cost $500. — Limited to first 10 paid. — A letter every day from me for 100 days about the process of writing novels starting September 9th. (even on my bad days.) — Questions about the process when you want. — Early read on every book I write. — Anything you…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Time Management and Free Lecture

    First Some Thoughts on Time Management… Over the next few days I will be  doing two blogs that will, in essence be the introduction chapters to the book Living at Pulp Speed Five. But before I got to that (which will have some basic time management stuff in them and more in the blogs as the challenge goes along) I wanted to talk here about time management and give you something that might help some of you. Many of you will be following the Pulp Speed Five Challenge here (or closer in the daily letters) wondering how I will be able to be consistent and carve out the time from…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    A Fun Evening

    Kris Finished Another Novel… So we went to see Queen with Adam Lambert to celebrate. Wow, if you get a chance to see them together, do not miss it. Let me repeat that. Do not miss it. And tonight was Freddy Mercury’s birthday, which made it all the more special. Besides being a major fan of the music, of Lambert, and of the group Queen since they started back in 1970 or so, I watched for two hours the stark reminder that age has nothing to do with anything unless you let it. Brian May and Roger Taylor were just flat stunning. Brian might be the best working guitar player,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Changing My New Office for the Challenge

    Part of Getting Ready… This living at Pulp Speed Five 10-novel challenge has me really thinking about my new office. I really, really love it, but it dawned on me a couple days ago it is not well-arranged for writing long projects. Oh, oh, I think 10 novels in 100 days is a long writing project. (grin) I am in a fairly small space, which I love. My past offices were way too big. And here I am surrounded by three large iMac computers with extra screens. Six screens in total. I flat love that. But my writing computer is not in the right spot for comfort for long hours…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    One Week of the Fiction River Subscription Drive

    Doing Great!! We have, in less than one week, hit our goal and also hit the first stretch reward where everyone gets an extra copy of Fiction River on their subscription. Next stretch goals have everyone getting all sorts of cool books. In fact, there is all kinds of cool stuff this year in our third  in six years. (We do one every two years.) You can get a ton of extra books (up to 25 books) if this goes as high as the past, and if it goes a little higher than the past drive, we will do an open call for one or two volumes of Fiction River, something…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Now I’m Getting Nervous

    This Is A Good Thing… Six Days and Counting… If I was not getting nervous about the challenge of writing ten novels in one hundred days, the challenge wouldn’t be challenging me. So yes, I am nervous and excited at the same time. Where my focus has gone now, six days out from the start, is making sure my schedule here in Vegas has enough time built into it. I have only really been here for three weeks. So everything, including this office, is still new. That will make this interesting. I can’t just drop down into old habits and routines of 23 years on the coast. That’s worrisome all…