Challenge,  publishing

Another Long Moving Day

Got the Original Pulphouse Books Up and In Place…

Wow, we did a lot of books, especially when you consider three or four states per book. 285 different titles. Took a bunch of moving from our office condo which is where they were to up here.

Also today submitted for approval another Kickstarter Campaign. This one for Pulphouse Magazine subscriptions.  Going to be a good one.

In fact, it has two special three-week workshops that will run in September and October. You can only sign up for them through the campaign.

One is a complete redo of HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY. Not even going to look at the one we did two years ago. So this brand new one will be new and fun.

Second special workshop is HOW TO MONETIZE SHORT FICTION. Not sure why we haven’t done this one before, but wow have we been finding new ways to make more money from short fiction. Perfect size for a three-week workshop.

So both of those will be in the new campaign with a discount to buy both together. And if we hit the stretch goals, some really fun stuff including some brand new pop-ups and some really fun reading.

So watch for the campaign coming next week if we get approved. I will put advanced links here.

By the way, you want to see all 14 issues of Pulphouse we have done so far? (Actually 13 is coming out in August.) Here is a nifty image of them.


  • Philip

    I’m primarily a short story writer and, last couple years, primarily a short story reader. This campaign has my name all over it. Pulphouse covers look great.

  • Ed Teja

    How timely! Having just started the novel challenge it will be a while before I can get around to taking those but they are something I wanted to ask you to do!

    And, I’ll be doing my own kickstarter (after taking your course and doing the studying you suggest) as soon as I get those pieces in place. You’ll be seeing some of the elements of my campaign as novel 2 in the challenge will (I think) be part of it.
    So much writing fun to have and so little time!