Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

A Lot of Great Fantasy Reading…

Great Fantasy in the Kickstarter

and Now a Fantasy Bundle…

So Yesterday at noon we started a really fun Kickstarter project for three of Kris’s Epic Fantasy novels.

And the campaign has a lot more fantasy stories included.  Check it out. About to hit the second stretch goal as I write this.

Now tonight, Kris with has put together a bundle of bundles of fantasy. 38 fantasy books included, ten writers. It includes my four Bryant Street collections.

A bundle of bundles… So cool.

Here is Kris’s introduction to it all…

And below that an image of all 38 books. Wow.


Introduction by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The Fantasy Bundle of Bundles – Curated by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

I have binged a lot of fiction in the past two years. I find a writer whose work I like—whose book seriesand then I pick up everything I can. I read it all as fast as possible, and find myself disappointed that there isn’t more.

But for a glorious period of time—a week, a month, two months—I’m in Reader Heaven, lost in a world that isn’t ours.

Ours is chaotic and unhappy right now. As I write this, the DJ on the streaming service I listen to, one that isn’t supposed to be political, casually mentioned that he thought the first two months of 2025 were the longest five years of his life. He’s not wrong.

Everyone is stressed right now, no matter what part of the political divide they stand on. But readers can always agree on one thing: Reading helps. Reading helps a lot.

So to help us all get through the next few months, I put together a bundle of bundles. I took the first steps out of the entire binge experience. You know which steps I mean:

  1. Love book one
  2. Is there a book two?
  3. Yes! There is. And more books in the series!
  4. Oh, I want them all now.

I can guarantee that you’ll find many books one and two and three here. Sometimes you’ll find the entire series. Sometimes the series is too long to complete in a bundle. (I’m looking at you, Lisa Silverthorne and T. Thorn Coyle.) Not in the mood for long books, but you still want something with the same feel as you read? I’ve got you covered with novellas and short story collections set in the same world.

Short reads, long reads, reads that will take weeks. All in this bundle of bundles.

Not to mention the different types of stories. We have Twilight Zone-ish dark fantasy. We have World War II with faeries. We have dragons. We have reality TV, love, and Lucifer. We have Alice in Wonderland. We have more dragons. We have YA novels and some books you don’t want your kids to see until they’re at least thirty-five.

And the authors. Most of them have written dozens of books, so if you like what they’ve contributed here, you’ll have plenty more to read. These writers are award-winners, international bestsellers, and fan favorites.

I’m sure that some of them will become your new favorite writers as well.

I think the thing we can say the most about this bundle is that it gives you choice. If you can’t find something to read here, you’re too picky. (Or not a fantasy fan.) Thirty-eight books! So much reading to fill your time, you’ll forget that each month of 2025 is years long.

Every StoryBundle gives you the option to give money to charity. There’s so much going on in the world, and of course, I’d like to help with all of it. One of the best ways to do that, I think, is to donate to World Central Kitchen. They provide meals in crisis zones worldwide.

World Central Kitchen has been on the ground in areas that have experienced years-long crisis, like Gaza and Ukraine, as well as places that usually don’t need assistance, like Los Angeles. World Central Kitchen was on the ground within hours of the start of the wildfires in January.

So, as you’re stocking up on your escape from reality, make sure the good folks at World Central Kitchen are handling the difficulties of reality for you. Toss in a dollar or two to aid them in all of their efforts.

Thanks! Kristine Kathryn Rusch


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