Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running,  workshops

2 Days Left In Sale and Running Pictures…

First About the Sale…

So we plan on ending the full WMG Teachable workshop sale late Monday… Don’t miss this one. No sale coming in the future that we have scheduled or even talked about.

Every Workshop, Every Class, Every Subscription 50% Off!!!

This has been in honor of the WMG Publishing Offices moving to Las Vegas.

So we put everything on WMG Teachable on sale at half off.

Just hit purchase what you want, and then put in the code on the next page and hit apply and you will have it for half price.

Code is…


This includes all lifetime subscriptions as well, and the Everything Lifetime Subscription. (If you have another lifetime subscription, we can give you more of a discount on the Everything Lifetime Subscription.)

Back on the Horse…  Fun Run Pictures…

One year ago on the 22nd, I was running far too fast in a 5K fun run, didn’t see a curb, went down and tried to roll into the fall and smashed up my shoulder. Major surgery. That fall and recovery started us uncovering problems in WMG and led to a very long year that we are now pretty much through. Moving the main office here (the reason for the sale) was the final major thing, something we had wanted to do since the pandemic.

So today, one year after my fall, Kris and I headed out to a fun run once again. Now I am way, way out of shape and about 20 pounds heavier than a year ago, so no running for me. (My running days at 74 are over, pretty much, but I am walking the distances and having fun.)

We went to a really fun run called The Zombie Run on a Henderson golf course. Lots of kids and fun. But wow did it get dark out there on that golf course with the up and down cart paths. (It was scheduled after dark because that made all the zombies in the trees more fun.)

And since I was walking and not that fast yet, it was real dark when I was to start the second lap. I had a lamp, but after last year I was going even slower making sure I stayed on my feet.

About the two mile mark we had to cut across a driving range, which had no grass, all desert sand, and about eight of us in a group flat got lost and no one out there told us where to go, so we ended up going back to the clubhouse about a half mile sooner than expected.

I walked back out on the course to wait for Kris to finish and ended up getting another half mile or so on that out and back. So I pretty much did my 5K even getting lost. I didn’t even trip once. And it was great fun.

Kris and I had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant we seldom hit because it is way out in Henderson and then hung our medals from finishing this run and finishing another one in September and two of Kris’s virtual medals for huge challenges she did this summer.

So a really fun return to the fun races and a real start to dropping the weight.

Me with this year’s shirt…
Kris wearing last year’s shirt because they didn’t have one this year small enough for her.
Me after crossing the finish line and getting my finisher’s medal.
Kris hanging Zombie Run medals…

Kris on chair hanging her major medal from a challenge this summer. I was about to climb on the chair to do that and Kris said, “It’s October…” I let her climb on the chair.


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