Year of the Cat Covers
Wow, Are These Cool!!!
I wanted to show you these twelve covers. And we are headed toward the second stretch goal with just over a week left on the Year of the Cat Kickstarter campaign. (Thank you, everyone!!)
Now, please help pass the word so we can get up to those stretch goals with lectures and workshops involved.
And get these twelve anthologies, one per month.
And also, on Teachable, every month, I will be doing a Year of the Cat Class for a full year, talking about each story in each anthology and why that story worked and the writing techniques the writer used to make it work.
A year of study and for the class costs, you get all twelve electronic books. You can sign up now on Teachable.
Personally, I am looking forward to having all twelve of these on my shelves in a matched set paper edition.

Link to Year of the Cat Kickstarter.
And Gwyneth at WMG even did a nifty video of the new covers…
And on another note…
Those of you who supported my Make 100 Paperbacks last year should have gotten the “Second Thirty-three Stories Collection” today. It was sent to everyone.