Challenge,  workshops

Workshop Sale Ends Friday Late…


And afraid it will be a very long time until the next one.

New classes available now. 

— Kris has decided to do one more writing challenge. We are calling it the Fall Writing Challenge and it will go from August 15th (day after the current one ends) until September 30th.

— All five of the August Regular Workshop classes are now up and available as well.

They are available in the sale until Friday late.

Wow, it sure seems this sale has been going on forever, with first me taking my time creating the new bundles and then I got so busy with the Pulphouse Subscription Drive Kickstarter, (Thank you everyone!!) and other stuff that I forgot to shut off the sale. But that’s it for sales for a long while. 

This Great Bundle Sale Now Extends to Any Class on Teachable.

Any class.  Ends late Friday night. (And this time I won’t forget to shut it off. (grin))


To get any class or bundle at half price, simply go to WMG Teachable, find the class or bundles you want, and hit purchase. Then put in the code…


And hit apply and you will have it for 50% off. Good for everything on Teachable, including the Lifetime subscriptions, including the Lifetime Everything Subscription.

And if you already have a subscription or a bunch of classes and are interested in the sale for Lifetime Everything Subscription, write me directly and I can knock off a little more from the sale price, which is a deal anyway.

So this is a forgotten sale… Take advantage of my bad memory while you can because no more workshop sales planned this year. Ends Friday late…


After my post two days ago that we are opening it up at a discounted rate for a few weeks, we have over ten writers signed up even though it is two years out. One third of the way to full. See my blog if interested in the anthology workshop in 2026. The one going in two weeks filled up this spring, got a hunch the 2026 one will fill quicker than that. I will do updates here.


  • Aniket Gore

    Take advantage of the sale guys. Just going through the character focus bundle(Although I’ve done most of the courses previously), and it brought a new focus to the subject matter, and I’m learning a tone(Everytime going through the courses I pick up one or two new things. Always).

    • dwsmith

      Thanks, exactly what we were hoping to have happen with the focus bundles. Thanks for the comment.