Challenge,  Misc

Voted Today… Also Sale Continues…

I Dropped Off My Ballot Today…

I was born in the Truman administration , vaguely remember the Nixon/Kennedy election, remember clearly Kennedy getting shot, remember being angry Nixon was elected in 1968 and I gave up being active when he was reelected in 1972.

Kris got me paying attention again to politics in the late 1980s and ever since then I have been active. But in all those years, I never remember being as scared for the results of an election as I am now. I always had policy disagreements with one party or the other, always worried about what would happen. Sure. We all did. Nature of a democracy (or better put, a representative government.)

But never have I been flat scared before. I just remained neutral, voted who I wanted to vote for, accepted the wins and losses and went on. But this time we no longer have the normal two-party system. One party has followed the path taken in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and is backing a fascist who has flat said he wants to be a dictator, and experts say the election is close, which I don’t understand. (Please do not try to explain it to me.)

I am almost 74 years old and have no desire to live in a dictatorship for what would be the rest of my life. Especially under a dictator who has gone crazy. (Not once in all my years as a golf professional did I ever think of Arnold Palmer’s junk. Not once.)

So today I did at this point the most important thing I could do. I voted.

I hope Harris wins soundly, Trump goes to jail on his many convictions, and he ends up screaming about all the women he raped and groped while bound in a straight jacket drooling. And then I hope I can live my life out in a nation with two healthy parties, who talk and debate issues and the future.

As it should be.

If you are voting for the twice impeached convicted felon, convicted rapist, a man clearly suffering from dementia who stands against a woman’s rights to her own health, then please just slink off into your swamp. I really never want to know.

But if you have any ethics left, no matter what party you used to belong to, go vote for Harris. Save the country your father and grandfathers fought and died to save. It is the most powerful thing you can do.

(I will not accept political discussion here… take it to social media.)

Picture below is of a six-foot-tall white guy born in Idaho voting for Harris.

And one last note: Sale is still going because sadly we are not done moving yet. At least a few more days.


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