Up Too Early
Up Too Early
Went to bed at 5:30 a.m. and was back up at 8:30 a.m.
Now that is just silly, but we got the new store open. Somebody asked me why I was up so early and I said “It’s not often you open a store.”
Pictures soon.
The Day
At the new store at 9 a.m. and worked there until I went off for a lunch meeting at 2 p.m. Then back to the store until Kris and I walked to dinner to meet another professional writer.
Then home for a nap that felt like it almost killed me after only three hours of sleep, then back to the store, then home to veg in front of the television.
Wanted to get back to writing tonight, but alas, one more day.
Online Workshops
June online workshops all have openings, even the new Teams in Fiction workshop.
Totals For Year 3, Month 10, Day 25
Writing in Public blog streak… Day 980
— Daily Fiction: 00 original words. Fiction month-to-date: 00 words
— Nonfiction: 00 new words. Nonfiction month-to-date total: 00 words
— Blog Posts: 100 new words. Blog month-to-date word count: 11,100 words
— E-mail: 8 e-mails. Approx. 600 original words. E-mails month-to date: 515 e-mails. Approx. 34,100 words
— Covers Designed and Finished: 0. Covers finished month-to-date: 2 Covers
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If you would like to leave a tip just hit Paypal.me/deanwesleysmith (Goes to WMG Publishing account, but I’ll get it just fine.)

Congrats, Dean.
Sometimes that can’t sleep feeling indicates the best experiences of our lives. Opening a new store certain ranks among life’s best experiences. Great job!
How exciting! Congrats for getting it done. I can’t imagine how much…stuff…you must have. Organized hoarder? 🙂 Your stores sound as if they’d be a lot of fun to visit. Waiting for pictures!
And great news on the latest rescue cat. I’m sending “healthy kitty” vibes her way.
We took in a neglected, starving horse early last month who looked like little more than hide stretched over a skeleton. Yesterday I watched him fly up the hill at a gallop with his tail arched over his back. He greeted me with a warm nicker that filled my heart with gratitude and pleasure. Yes, we saved him, but we get so much more in return than we give. Animals have a way of doing that.