Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

The Time Travel Fun of Editing…

Sometimes Even I Get Confused…

And I have been editing for 35 years in one way or another. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #32 came out yesterday to subscribers in ebook. Paper and contributor paper copies will trail along as normal for anything paper.

I wrote the introduction to that issue back in early June. Pulphouse is monthly now, which causes me to work out two or three months ahead. Two is minimum.

So tonight I finished the introduction to the October issue that will come out right before Halloween. Here in the heat of August I have been writing about the fall weather and Trick-Or-Treating. And selecting a few stories in the issue that fit that theme.

Hot outside here in August. An issue I put together back in early June just came out while at the same time I am putting together a late October issue. Time travel confusion from minute to minute.

By the way, check out the nifty Pulphouse Fiction Magazine store. Really cool merch and deals on books and subscriptions.

And to make the time travel confusion worse, at the same time Kris and I are planning Kickstarters for next spring and we are promoting the new Fey Kickstarter launching in a few weeks. Serebro Academy: A New Fey Novel

Check it out.

So these days, I think for all of use, publishing is often a bounce around through time. Especially with magazine editing when I need to write about a time not yet here just hoping I get it right.

And yes, we got a “PROJECT WE LOVE” from Kickstarter weeks before we launched. So wonderfully cool!!!


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