Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

The Return of Boss

Three Full Days Doing the Survey

And almost ready to go. Waiting on one more detail and it will finally head out. I’m learning a great deal, actually, since this is the first one we have gone with a fulfillment company on. It should be pretty good, even though this time they are only doing the survey and we are still doing the actual fulfillment. But it is a ton nicer and a ton more work.

And also we will have a site up for a time to take late pledges. In other words, if there is something you missed during the Kickstarter, you can still pick it up, or add it in. At least for a short time, meaning this month or so.

So testing new ground. At 600 backers, this is on the low side for one of these places. But better to test and have the bugs worked out before we have a really large one. That’s what Loren and I are constantly telling writers. And we stress it in the Best Practices and I stress it in the paid Kickstarter six week workshop. Start small., work up.

This was WMG’s 15th campaign and the first time we have tried something like this.

So all you backers will know when it launches because you will get the surveys, and I will announce the site here as well. But now my eye is tired from all the massive detail work all day on a screen. (I wanted to do this first one on my own, with help from Loren, to learn it.) So early night.

And by the way, don’t forget the sale on Teachable.

Here is the link to all the information about it. 50% off on everything there. Only going through the weekend.

The code to put in to get a workshop at half price is :



  • Eli Jones

    Just got the link to the survey. It’s great from a layout and usability standpoint, very clean. And it successfully got me to add on the Diving game, so you know it works for getting those extras!

  • Denise Gaskins

    I just went through the survey, too. Pretty smooth, but I noticed one potential problem: It didn’t account for shipping on the physical extras. Or at least for me, it didn’t charge shipping for the game — it just counted the extra amount as a “donation.”

    • dwsmith

      Thanks, Denise, great to hear. It’s been a major learning curve on my side, that’s for sure. (grin) We decided to not do shipping on the extras since there was too much chance that of charging someone double shipping. So decided on the extras to just cover the shipping. But thanks for pointing that out. Appreciated.