The Ghost Novel Writing Is On for Next Week
As I have said a few times over the last six months, I was hired to write a ghost novel for a major author. I will never tell anyone who the author is or even why I am writing this for this author. Not a word. Ever, so don’t ask. But I can tell you that when this comes out of New York, it will be a major bestseller because this author’s books always are.
I have been paid the advance, so I plan on starting the novel next week as soon as this great workshop that is going on here at the coast is finished. Character Voice and Setting workshop. Wonderful fun. Great writers.
I will blog here about the writing process of the book, more than likely putting up five or six posts per day about each session and a post at the end of the day summing it all up.
I hope to write the book (70,000 words) in 7 to 10 days and then turn it in to the publisher. One draft.
So if you want to follow the writing process of a novel like this, learn how to write a novel in a short period of time, check back regularly next week. I’ll also tell you about the other things going on in my day as it goes along.
And I will talk about my moods, my feelings, and so on about the writing. I do not have an outline and will be just writing off into the dark on this one, so it might get kind of scary and entertaining. I hope, anyway, because I hate being bored when I write. (grin)
I will also try to get a subscribe button and a new RSS feed here on the site to make it easier to follow as well. And I’ll be glad to answer questions as it goes along about the writing process. (Not about the book itself in any fashion.)
Back to the workshop reading for me. See you soon. It will be fun for me. I hope it will entertain others in the process.