• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Got To Be Quick Again Tonight

    First Things First… I want to thank everyone who supported our North by Northwest Bookstore Kickstarter. Wonderful success and we are already started on the remodeling. It will take a few weeks for Kickstarter to do its thing, then we will send out surveys to all the wonderful backers. If you backed a workshop, and would like to take one in March, write me. Thank you, everyone! —————- This weekend I will be sending out the information to those signed up on the March regular workshops. All workshops have openings. Sign up directly through Teachable or if you have a credit, write me. https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com Class #25… Mar 6th … Depth #3:…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Last 20 Hours!!

    Thank you, Everyone!… North By Northwest Kickstarter… Where you can get discounted workshops and lectures or give books to your local library or school system anywhere in the country. REMEMBER…  if you get a regular workshop through the Kickstarter, you also get a classic workshop for free. $450 value for only $250. (And yes, you can get more than one. Get as many as you want, actually. Just increase the pledge by $250 per workshop.) And you can also get a discounted lifetime subscription to all of the WMG Lectures now available and any new ones coming. But what I love about this project is the ability to help out…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Gaining On The Second Stretch Goal. 44 Hours Left!!

    Thank you, Everyone! We Are Gaining On It…  North By Northwest Kickstarter… Where you can get discounted workshops and lectures or give books to your local library or school system anywhere in the country. We made our first stretch goal. So cool! And on the way toward the second one. REMEMBER…  if you get a regular workshop through the Kickstarter, you also get a classic workshop for free. $450 value for only $250. (And yes, you can get more than one. Get as many as you want, actually. Just increase the pledge by $250 per workshop.) And you can also get a discounted lifetime subscription to all of the WMG…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Two Days Left… We Made the First Stretch Goal!!

    Thank you, Everyone!  North By Northwest Kickstarter… Where you can get discounted workshops and lectures or give books to your local library or school system anywhere in the country. We made our first stretch goal. So cool! And if you get a regular workshop through the Kickstarter, you also get a classic workshop for free. But what I love about this project is the ability to help out your local school or library. So Two Days!! Don’t miss this one. Check it out right here… ————- And yes, I am still working on my 67 challenge. Slow at the moment which was completely expected when I set this up. I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Three Days Left

    North By Northwest Kickstarter… Where you can get discounted workshops and lectures or give books to your local library or school system anywhere in the country. We are within $200 of our stretch goal. And if you get a regular workshop through the Kickstarter, you also get a classic workshop for free. But what I love about this project is the ability to help out your local school or library. So Three Days!! Don’t miss this one. Check it out right here… And on that note, one more time…how about the nifty video we have on the site about the project and our bookstore. I was in there a lot…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Lifetime Additions

    I Missed Some… A few people have pointed out that a few workshops and lectures were missing in the Lifetime Subscriptions. (Thank you.) So now there are even more in both. I am still stunned at how many workshops and lectures we actually have. And ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT on the North By Northwest Kickstarter, where you can support bookstores or libraries anywhere in the country, or get yourself a discounted workshop and free classic workshop. So here are the details again if anyone is interested in the lifetime workshops for either the workshops or lectures. Workshop Lifetime Subscription: Over forty-two online workshops on the craft of writing and publishing…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Five Days Left

    On the North by Northwest Kickstarter… We are within $700 of our stretch goal. And if you get a regular workshop through the Kickstarter, you also get a classic workshop for free. But what I love about this project is the ability to help out your local school or library. So Five Days!! Don’t miss this one. Check it out right here… And on that note, how about a nifty and very short video about the Kickstarter nearing our stretch goal? (grin)    

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Podcast and Cool Video

    A Really Fun Conversation… The other day I got to talk with John Best and Kevin J. Anderson for about forty minutes on their wonderful podcast Creative Futurism. We talked about all kinds of stuff, including the new world of publishing. Great fun for me and I think it would be a fun listen for all of you as well. http://www.creativefuturism.com/be-nimble-publishing-in-the-21st-century/ —————– On another topic completely, Gwyneth at WMG Publishing did this nifty video for Kris’s new Diving Universe book coming out in September. It’s on preorder now. The video is short and fun. So thought I would show it to you.   North by Northwest Bookstore Kickstarter It has…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    More Misc. Stuff Once Again

    A Bunch Of It, Actually… Some of you know I have been blogging every day without missing a day for numbers of years. I just thought I would point out that I have been doing this for almost 1,700 straight days. Almost there. If I remember, I will make note of the passing… Next, a reminder… about the North by Northwest Kickstarter. We have added some nifty rewards and one major one that is not there yet, but it is official. Here is is… Classic Workshops Added as a Bonus… That’s right. If you get a workshop credit through the Kickstarter we have going for our bookstore, you will also…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Some Reasons To Avoid Traditional Publishing

    There Are So Many… I mentioned that I had taught at a wonderful writer’s seminar called Superstars. Put on by Kevin Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Eric Flint, Dave Farland, Brandon Sanderson, and a fantastic staff. I was a guest instructor on the writing side. I had a blast and the conference ran perfectly from my perspective. There were also industry guests like Mark Coker from Smashwords, a New York agent, some editors, and other fun people. The conference tries to help everyone and I was, of course, on the indie publishing side of things, even though I have published over a hundred novels with traditional publishers. The conference really does attempt…