• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    One Topic Per Post

    One Topic Per Post Mostly. Making the changes here to this web site so I can then start working on the book side of this place. This is a lot cleaner, that’s for sure. Still a few changes to be made, but getting closer. And one topic per post will allow me to do more writing and craft posts and allow those to be forwarded. I will also be able to collect them easier. The long line of 37 Issues of Smith’s Monthly that were down the side are now down on three footer widgets. You can click on them and go to the Smith’s Monthly web site, but that site…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Really Nifty Podcast

    A Really Nifty Podcast About Podcasting This last week was the Master Business Class here at the coast with forty-some professional fiction writers. At one point, for one session. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Joanna Penn, J. Daniel Sawyer, and Mark Lefebvre (from Kobo) discussed podcasting. (Kris in the silver hair, Dan in the hat.) And Mark recorded it for the Kobo Life podcast. (Realize learning like this went on for hours and hours every day for seven days. All brains fried. I learned a ton and I was helping pilot the ship.) This podcast of this one session is great fun and very informative. Kris interviewed the other three. Worth the listen folks,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Really Cool Reason for the Bundle

    A Cool Reason for the Bundle Most of you I’m sure sort of scan past any push I make for a bundle here. I am lucky enough to get my books into bundles regularly. They are a great way to find new readers and I enjoy trying to help other writers find new readers as well. And I make a little money on them as well, which is always cool. But today Kevin J. Anderson, who moderated this Pulse Pounder Thriller Bundle I am in at the moment revealed one of the main reasons he pesters his fans about the bundles he’s in. And as I read his blog it…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  running

    Adjust A Goal

    Adjust a Goal On July 1st, without saying much to anyone but Kris, I started a push to run a marathon in November. But as I detailed out the first of September, I had to hit one major benchmark before I would even start that marathon. Some background: I will be 66 before the race starts. I have bad knees from my years in sports. And I was far overweight on July 1st. Benchmark: To protect my knees, I needed to be under 180 pounds to start the race. I would be better served to be around 170, but I was willing to go at 180. On July 1st I weighed…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Information Overload

    Information Overload Spent most of the day just sleeping, resting, doing very little. As I thought of things, I wrote them down. But mostly the brain just sort of shut down from a very intense week of learning and fun. The form of these posts and this site will change very, very shortly. Got a huge list of things I want to do here and with my writing. So stay tuned. This will be one of the last combined posts. Going to clear the clutter. (grin) ——– Kickstarter Update Got more of the surveys out, including all the workshop surveys out. So we are about halfway through the surveys now…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Business Master Class Finished

    Business Master Class Finished All done tonight. Exhausted and excited to move forward at the same time. I learned a ton and had some wonderful discussions. Thanks everyone! First off, a very, very special thanks to M.L. Buchman, great writer and teacher. No chance this workshop could have existed like it did without him. Also want to thank Allyson Longueira, Johanna Penn, Chuck Heitzelman, Dan Sawyer, Lee Allred, Chris York, and everyone who joined in the fun. And the fantastic staffs at the two hotels. The Historic Anchor Inn and the Best Western Landmark. And, of course Kristine Kathryn Rusch, my partner in everything. Thanks everyone! What a fantastic week of learning. Now I’m…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Business Master Class Finishing Up

    Business Master Class Finishing Up Here on the coast we are just tomorrow finishing up the really fun business master class. Forty professional fiction writers, all in one meeting room, talking nothing but business morning, afternoon, and night, and into the night, actually. Great fun. Exhausted but I have a long list of things I want to do. So tomorrow night it will be done and things will be back to normal here on Sunday. And I will start making some of the changes to this site at that point. ——– Kickstarter Update: We have finally figured out a few tricks on the surveys we send out to supporters to give…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Dictation in Fiction

    Dictation in Fiction As I continue with the format for a few more days, I wanted to give out a link that might help a few of you. I get a lot of questions about dictating fiction and how it works and can it be done. I always say that I know a bunch of people who do it, but know little about the skill. But my friend Kevin J. Anderson works that way and another friend of mine, Dan Sawyer, interviewed Kevin on this exact topic. So if you are interested, take a listen. Pretty clear and to the point. http://nanowrimoeverymonth.com/2016/06/03/questions-103-dictation-with-kevin-j-anderson/ ——– Kickstarter Update: We have finally figured out…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Even More Help Today

    Even More Help Today on the Changes Coming Here Wonderful help and advice today from a number of people about how to make this site less of a confused mess and get things looking cleaner and clearer. This process has been sort of going forward now for some time, but these last few days finally tipped me over to make the changes I’ve been planning for more than a year. I will still continue blogging about writing and some other topics. And workshop news will still be here. And my books will be here as well, but easier to find. So not much time tonight to do a longer blog…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Getting the New Look of This Site Together

    New Look Coming Not much tonight other than I have been really getting some great help and some good discussion over the last few days about this site. And ways to clear the clutter and get it better focused and functioning. So not only will I be hitting the writing hard starting next week, but will be making changes here. And doing more writing blogs because I’m learning a lot this week. So nothing tonight. Too late and I have to be up too early to say anything sane. (grin) But fun stuff getting planned. ———————- November Online Workshops Click the workshop tab above for description and sign-up or go…