• On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night

    Topic of the Night: Making a Living Writing Short Fiction

    Can You Make a Living Writing Only Short Fiction? Every year or so I look at this topic once again, do the math, see if anything has changed over the last couple of years. And now, here in May 2016, things have changed some, but in my opinion it would still be possible to make a decent living writing only short fiction. Why do I like this topic? Actually, because I love short fiction, meaning any story under around 10,000 words. I love reading it and I love writing it. And doing this exercise is fun for me, even though no one will ever follow this path. Besides, I am…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Lecture Available: Short Stories into Novels

    Lecture #28 Short Stories to Novels The Basics of When to Turn a Short Story into a Novel. 9 Videos.  This lecture covers the various ways that you can turn a short story into a novel. And what you need to do so. And when you should even consider doing so. This workshop covers the basics of the idea of turning a short story into a novel. Price $50.00. Sometimes short stories can start great novels. Sometimes a short story should remain just a short story and should never be expanded. This lecture will help you understand what you need to learn to figure out when and how to convert one form into a larger…