• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Since I Am Now Writing At Pulp Speeds Again…

    Just For Fun… I wanted to bring this Pulp Speed post back again just for fun for me to read again as I am firing along now for almost two months at Pulp Speeds. I figured I could use it again as well. (grin) (And yes, tomorrow I will list the story I wrote today and the one I will write tomorrow… Challenge still going fine.) (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since, skipping 2022. Last time here was October. And this month March… I made the Pulp Speed class a regular workshop again so…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Pulp Speed Post Once Again…

    Just For Fun… I wanted to bring this Pulp Speed post back again just for fun for me to read again as I work to ramp back up. I figured I could use it again as well. (grin) (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since, skipping 2022. Last time here was April. And we do have a classic workshop on how to do it.) Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Pulp Speed Post is Back!

    About a Year Since I Last Posted This… I wanted to bring this back again because I also just brought back for May (one month only) the Reaching Pulp Speed regular workshop. (Those of you with lifetime workshop or Everything subscriptions, write me for the May code.) I am also working back to Pulp Speed and above after my last two life events with the eyes and then the arm. So figured I could use it again as well. (grin) (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since, skipping 2022.) Not at all sure why this…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Pulp Speed Post Forward Again…

    Been Over Two Years… A number of writers over the last six months have asked me to bring forward the old explanation of Pulp Speed in writing. So here it is… (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since, skipping 2022.) Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths and critical voice under control to even attempt Pulp Speed One. So this post might just make you angry…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed in Indie Publishing

    Indie vs Traditional Publishing and Speed… There are still writers working today who hit Pulp Speed, or very close to it in traditional publishing. You have to be a master of the business, have an ability to write anything, and the skills to work for many publishing houses to publish that much in traditional publishing. Just do the math. Pulp Speed is about a million consumable words per year. Say you do 300,000 words in blogs, short stories, and other misc stuff, that would leave 700,000 words for traditionally published novels. That’s ten 70,000 word novels per year. I did that for about a decade during the 1990s and there…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Brought Forward Again

    I Figured I Would Bring The Original Pulp Speed Post Forward Again… (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since.) Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths and critical voice under control to even attempt Pulp Speed One. So this post might just make you angry because it hits at belief systems I’m afraid. The second reason I can’t shake this idea is because for all of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Pulp Speed Writers (Take Two)

    A Post I Wrote in 2016… Talks about the kind of writers who are or were Pulp Speed Writers. After yesterday’s post, I thought it would be worth bringing back as well. Answer a few questions. Pulp Writers’ Abilities… I got a great question today about some of the basics the really prolific pulp writers did to be so productive. And how to go about finding out about a lot of their styles. How I have learned about so many of the older pulp writers is by reading books about them, often in their own words, reading books about the era, and just finding anything I could to read about…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Pulp Speed Flashes To The Present

    Fourth Time Brought Forward I wrote this post in 2014, then brought it forward again in 2015, and then again in 2019. Got a few questions about it, so figured after two years, one of which lasted forever, it couldn’t hurt on a slow Friday night to bring it back once more. PULP SPEED… Not at all sure why this idea sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths under control to even attempt this. So this post might just make you angry because it hits at belief systems I’m afraid. The second reason…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed and the Indie Writer

    Great Question This Afternoon… How does an indie writer balance the writing at pulp speed with all the publishing stuff? Got a hunch I’m going to be returning to this question a number of times in future posts, but for a short, first answer, here I go… PULP SPEED ONE About 1,000,000 (1 million) original words per year. This averages to about 2,750 words a day for 365 days. (numbers rounded) Or about 83,300 words per month.  So if you do 3,000 words a day and over 84,000 words per month ON AVERAGE for a year, you are writing at PULP SPEED ONE. So first lets use me as an…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Back Once Again

    Third or Fourth Time… (I wrote this post in 2014, then brought it forward again in 2015, and I think one other time, but wanted to bring it forward once again, update it a little, because people ask me about it.) PULP SPEED… Not at all sure why this idea sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths under control to even attempt this. So this post might just make you angry because it hits at belief systems I’m afraid. The second reason I can’t shake this idea is because for all of my…