Starting in November… NOVEL STRUCTURE Understanding the basic structure of a modern novel helps make writing novels so much easier and enjoyable. And each major genre has a structure that can be learned. And when you are writing between genres, understanding the basic structures of each genre’s novels will help you know where to put the book when finished. This is not a three-act structure or a hero’s journey structure or anything like that. This is real modern-fiction structures that readers come to expect in their books. This class will be full of techniques and awareness of how a form works. And more importantly, why a certain form works for…
One Time Science Fiction Cover Branding Workshop
BRANDING SCIENCE FICTION COVERS WORKSHOP… We did a form of this workshop back in May for four weeks that filled almost instantly and another one on Fantasy Covers in July that also filled. So Allyson had fun on both workshops and I didn’t get killed by the writers, so I talked Allyson into doing the workshop for branding a science fiction covers and series. Any type of science fiction. So here are the details… Allyson Longueira, the publisher of WMG Publishing has offered to design a cover and help brand a science fiction series for a limited number of writers. For those of you who don’t know her, Allyson is an award-winning…
Working On Pricing Post
Plus Working On Workshop Stuff Last Call for the October Online workshops that are starting. Still room in all of them. Online Workshops I will announce officially with description the new online Novel Structure workshop tomorrow while posting the November workshops. Actually I now have workshops posted out until April for those thinking of taking advantage of the Kickstarter workshop specials. There are some slots that say (TBA) for new workshops to come along. This Novel Structure Online Workshop will not be a “how to outline” workshop, but instead a workshop to teach you at a deep level the structure of novels. In numbers of genres and with different types of…
A Sort of Repeat
Still Having a Little Site Issue… So while the issue is getting cleared up, with luck by tomorrow (Monday), I figured I would just tell you again about the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter. We made our goal in just three days, which was wonderful!! And stunning. And now we are getting close to our first stretch goal. So thank you, everyone who supported this new/old project. It’s going to be great fun! The kickstarter is at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/403649867/pulphouse-fiction-magazine You really want to watch the fun video that Kris did to show the history of Pulphouse. It shows me and Kris aging very, very quickly. (grin) Also, September (last month) was the…
Workshop and Lecture Discounts
PULPHOUSE FICTION MAGAZINE KICKSTARTER… We just launched the Kickstarter for Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. The kickstarter is at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/403649867/pulphouse-fiction-magazine You really want to watch the fun video that Kris did to show the history of Pulphouse. It shows me and Kris aging very, very quickly. (grin) Also, September (this month) is the 30 year anniversary of the launch of Pulphouse. Our first book came out in September, 1987. Holy smokes, are we that old, really? Looking at the video, I would say yes. (grin) WORKSHOP AND LECTURE DISCOUNTS And yes, just as with Fiction River kickstarter a year ago, you can get some deals on workshops and lectures. STRENGTHS WORKSHOPS The…
Just Going To Call It A Day
Not Much Else to Say About Today… Stuff happened, things got done, battles were waged, the internet was slow everywhere, and the day went past. And sometimes that’s all you can say about a day. And sometimes that is more than enough. ———— Challenges THEY START ON SUNDAY… As I have said over and over, only five people have signed up for the short story challenge so far. I expanded it and the novel challenge to eight writers, so still room in both challenges. If interested in signing up, just write me. They are going to be great fun. Here are the details once again. Starts October 1st, WHICH IS…
New Issues of Smith’s Monthly
Subscribers and Patreon Supporters Got Three Issues… That’s right, in the last week three issues of Smith’s Monthly went out. As many of you know, I’ve been working to catch up with the date on the issues. I was hoping to be caught up by the 50th issue, but not it might take a little longer. And coming shortly, meaning a few weeks, two more issues will go out. Issues #41-43 went out to subscribers and Patreon supporters over the last week. That’s a bunch of reading. (grin) And there was a new Thunder Mountain novel in the group. In the coming Pulphouse Fiction Magazine kickstarter drive starting Thursday, there…
A Collectables Day Finally
Got to Play With Stuff Today… After the writer’s lunch I went over to Sheldon McArthur’s place and had a blast talking and working with Shelly and his wonderful wife. First off, because I missed last month’s auction, Shelly bought a bunch of stuff that he knew I would want and he was spot on the money. Great stuff. And then we looked at a massive Coca Cola Christmas collection we will be picking up for the stores later in the week. And also an original Dell Comics stand. That’s right, a Dell Comics comic stand, in stunningly good shape. And I collect Dell Four Color comics, so they will…
A Saturday Post
Mystery Workshop Finished Here… Kris, who taught the workshop is tired. Everyone who took the workshop is tired, but all seem happy. Sheldon McArthur, Chris and Steve York, and Dan C. Duval showed up tonight to talk with the writers before they headed out of town. So a fun Saturday evening. And a good week having writers in town and in the offices. —————————– I really hope some of you who like science fiction will give this bundle a try. You probably know of Kevin and Doug and Kris and Mike and me, but trust me, the writers in this you might not have heard of you will want to.…
Well, That Was Fun
SOME GREAT COMMENTS… Both on the post about Beta Readers and privately. Thanks, everyone. I had forgotten how going after a sacred belief of beginning writers can really cause waves. Some were very happy about my opinion, calling them freeing. And some, in private letters, worked to justify their need for their very special beta readers. None of the later actually had the courage to do so in public. And I said nothing to them but “Good luck to you…” in my responses to them. What else can I say? No one really commented at all about my not even having a first reader when I started out. Nina Kiriki…