• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Day One of the Pulp Speed Challenge

    This Is Not The First Chapter of the Book… Just wanted to do a quick update here on the first day. Well, I got started. I will do a more complete one when I write the first chapter of the book here. I also walked 11,000 steps, one mile of which was running. I recorded some workshop stuff and did other stuff as well. And got my writing computer set up. That took longer than expected. I decided to write a book called Hot Springs Meadow: A Thunder Mountain Novel. I had, up until I pulled my chair in front of my writing computer, thought I would logically start with…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Introduction: Living at Pulp Speed Five

    Or At Least Some of the Introduction… I might cycle back and add stuff to the introduction for the book. But for now, a day ahead of the challenge starting, I’m going to write some of this introduction. It is below. So many of you will have heard some of this on the ramp-up to this challenge. But I have to put it all in the introduction to the book, so hang on. Also, still two spots left in the follow along to the challenge, where I send you a letter every night and you get to read whatever I manage to write way ahead of it coming out, in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Time Management and Free Lecture

    First Some Thoughts on Time Management… Over the next few days I will be  doing two blogs that will, in essence be the introduction chapters to the book Living at Pulp Speed Five. But before I got to that (which will have some basic time management stuff in them and more in the blogs as the challenge goes along) I wanted to talk here about time management and give you something that might help some of you. Many of you will be following the Pulp Speed Five Challenge here (or closer in the daily letters) wondering how I will be able to be consistent and carve out the time from…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Now I’m Getting Nervous

    This Is A Good Thing… Six Days and Counting… If I was not getting nervous about the challenge of writing ten novels in one hundred days, the challenge wouldn’t be challenging me. So yes, I am nervous and excited at the same time. Where my focus has gone now, six days out from the start, is making sure my schedule here in Vegas has enough time built into it. I have only really been here for three weeks. So everything, including this office, is still new. That will make this interesting. I can’t just drop down into old habits and routines of 23 years on the coast. That’s worrisome all…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    We Made It! In Less Than Three Days!!

    Flashed Past Our Kickstarter Goal… Needless to say, our is going great since we hit our goal in less than three days. So up next we have some amazing stretch goals, including a lot of books. In fact, if it goes all the way to the top nosebleed levels, everyone supporting will get 25 different books as bonus, not counting whatever each person signed up for and the Fiction River subscriptions. And along the way we will open up submissions to a couple Fiction River volumes as well, the first time in six years. So get friends to jump into this one just for the extra books and incredible volumes…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

    Stage Coach Novel In A New Bundle

    All Kinds of Things Going On… I wanted to remind everyone now that we are two months away from the Business Master Class. Post on that below this one. And our is going great and has some fantastic deals on workshops as well as Fiction River subscriptions. And remember, if you sign up for workshop credits on the subscription drive, you also get a free classic workshop for each workshop you sign up for. That is extra and only announced here. http://kck.st/2LxjXda Also, I have one of my favorite Thunder Mountain novels in a new Storybundle put together by Kevin J. Anderson. It has some amazing writers in it, so…

  • publishing,  workshops

    Master Business Class Reminder

    WMG Publishing Business Master Class: The Cutting Edge of the Publishing Business New York Times and USA Today bestselling writers and renowned business and industry bloggers Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith lead this intense five days of business and publishing learning. Full information at www.wmgworkshops.com Kris and Dean are joined by at least ten other experts. — Mark Leslie (Lefebvre), acclaimed writer, podcaster, editor, and formally with Kobo. — Kevin J. Anderson, New York Times bestselling writer and co-owner of the premier indie press Wordfire Press. — Rebecca Moesta, New York Times bestselling writer of young adult books and co-owner of the premier indie press Wordfire Press. — David…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Two Sayings On My Office Wall

    Both Have Been On My Wall For Decades… And they were on my office walls before that. So when we moved this last spring and early summer, I took the two sayings down and brought them with me for my new office. So what kind of sayings would I carry with me for so many decades? Almost since I started writing. The first, framed in a cheap mat and dirty and faded says simply… “If we could dare to write as ill as those whose voices haunt us still…” That is part of an Edward Gosse poem written way back and the poem is in the public domain. But think…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    A Fun Harlan Story

    And Some Books as Proof… My best friend in publishing, as many of you know, was a book dealer by the name of Bill Trojan from Eugene, OR. Now Bill had a heart of gold and at times could be a real jerk on the outside. But he was well-respected in the science fiction and mystery booksellers worlds. For those of you who don’t know publishing history, for a long time in the 1960s and early 1970s, soft-core porn was written and sold by the millions outside of the normal book channels. By todays standards, these books would not even be considered hot romance, let alone erotica. But they were…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    Finally Got a Dean-Level Insane Question… On the novel and short story challenge starting in September. You know the one, write thirty short stories in sixty days or write three novels in three months. The challenge that is almost full. Someone asked me today if they could do both at the same time. I LOVE THAT! My level of nuts challenge. And, of course, I said sure. And I offered the person a discount if they wanted to try it. Second challenge at half price (still get two workshops).  Both challenges for $900 and get four workshops. Why did I love that question? That is exactly the question I would…