• Challenge


    Sometimes I Find Perspective Hard to Hang Onto… Sometimes so much good stuff comes in at the same time, that even a little bad stuff tends to really mess up the perspective. For example, today was my last PT session after eight full months. Docs released me to the wild. Yay… We are about 90% caught up on the disaster that was this spring and early summer. At least with all the major projects. Still a lot of stuff hanging out that will come around in time, but we are all having fun now and going forward. The “issues” caused by the air conditioner water leak are resolved for the…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  Topic of the Night


    Topic of the Night: Perspective This is just a thought a friend had about why so many great writers are getting discouraged and quitting. He thinks it might have something to do with perspective, and I think he might have a point. The system when he and I came into publishing worked like this in general: You expected to spend five or so years learning your craft, getting rejections, then eight or ten years into the process you would sell a novel which would take a couple years to come out. Then, if you wrote regularly a couple books a year, in ten years you might be able to make a…