• Challenge


    A Writer’s Best Friend is a Nap… I have been taking too many of them since the anthology workshop, trying to get caught up on sleep while at the same time doing a ton of planning to really ramp back up my writing with some really fun projects. This fall is the anniversary of my first two short fiction sales 50 years ago, so I plan on celebrating that over the next year with a number of fun things. But right now, because of the nap that went on too long, I am behind and have to save time by doing a quick nightly blog. But it was still a…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Thank Heavens For Naps…

    A Nap Day Today… Actually, a three-nap day, although it was actually only two because the first one was interrupted by a phone call I had to take. Now I normally take a twenty-minute nap once a day, usually right before dinner. And since I am freelance, I can do what I want. There are advantages. But today I woke up exhausted. Kris and I managed to get one of our cars into the shop for a standard tuning ,and then we got an amazing lunch that we ate sitting in the car looking at basically nothing with 1970s music playing. But the moment I got home, the first aborted…