Myth Lectures Now Available…
Posted the Last Two Myth Lectures… … In the Roadblocks Bundle of five lectures. The last two are on the myths of Productivity and Quality. Nasty myths, deadly to most writers. There are five lectures on myths in the bundle, five in the first bundle, and there will be two more bundles of five each coming over the next week or so. Best way to get them all is get a lifetime subscription to the lectures. Grab them on Teachable. Trust me, they might save you a lot of years and grief.
Myth Lectures
The Sixth Lecture Is Up… It’s the first one in the Roadblocks bundle. The other four later this week in that bundle. So here, once again, is all the information about the myth lectures… Fiction Writing Myths Lecture Series… The first six lectures on the myths of fiction writing are now available on Teachable.com. There will be twenty lectures total, twenty different myths in four different lecture bundles. This first bundle of five lectures we are calling Creation. There will be three other bundles of five lectures each, totally twenty different lectures of nine or so videos each lecture. (They will appear as I get them recorded.) In other words,…
The Myths of Fiction Writing Lectures
Fiction Writing Myths Lecture Series… The first five lectures on the myths of fiction writing are now available on Teachable.com. There will be twenty lectures total, twenty different myths in four different lecture bundles. This first bundle of five lectures we are calling Creation. There will be three other bundles of five lectures each, totally twenty different lectures of nine or so videos each lecture. (They will appear as I get them recorded.) In other words, each bundle of five lectures has around 45 videos. Each lecture will have nine questions we ask about each myth. The nine questions for each myth are: — What is the origin of the…
A Myth of Time
A Myth of Time I did a Sacred Cows post below this one. ——- The Day Writers’ meeting, then worked on workshop stuff at WMG, then walked to a late lunch with Kris, then back to work on more workshop stuff. Home to cook a late dinner and take a nap. Then I had to finish my 10,000 (5 miles) steps and got that done right before midnight, then just watched some television until around 2 a.m. Then in here to do e-mail and some more workshop stuff. I’ll fire on the new book tomorrow again. ———- September Online Workshops Click the workshop tab above for description and sign-up or go to www.wmgpublishingworkshops.com. Questions about any…
Killing Even More Sacred Cows of Publishing: #1… Novels Must Be A Certain Length
Here we go… Book three in this series. Book one was KILLING THE TOP TEN SACRED COWS OF PUBLISHING. Book two was KILLING THE TOP TEN SACRED COWS OF INDIE PUBLISHING. Both books are available everywhere in electronic, paper, and soon audio. What I call a “Sacred Cow” is basically a myth spread around publishing like the truth. Myths such as “rewriting must be done for every story.” Myths such as “you need an agent to sell a book,” or “sell a book to a different country.” And so on. You can either buy the first two books to get all twenty of the Sacred Cows, or just click on the tab…
Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing: #7… I Have To Sell Books Quickly
Myths ignore facts. Myths are often beliefs built from fear or past actions. In this series, and in the previous series of Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing, I call the myths that control writers “Sacred Cows.” Writers hold onto myths like lifelines that are keeping them from drowning in a raging river of information. Sometimes sane people in the normal world will follow a publishing myth that makes no sense at all because it has something to do with the publishing business. And they follow the myth without thought. So this new series is an attempt to help the new world of indie publishing with the growing…
Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing… #5: Printers are Distributors
Myths ignore facts. Myths are often beliefs built from fear or past actions. In this series, and in the previous series of Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing, I call the myths that control writers “Sacred Cows.” Writers hold onto myths like lifelines that are keeping them from drowning in a raging river of information. Sometimes sane people in the normal world will follow a publishing myth that makes no sense at all because it has something to do with the publishing business. And they follow the myth without thought. So this new series is an attempt to help the new world of indie publishing with the growing…
Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing: #8… You Can’t Make a Living with Your Fiction
Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Publishing will be out later this winter with an introduction. And then it will be followed by a book called Killing the Top Ten Sacred Cows of Indie Publishing. But first I wanted to put each myth or “Sacred Cow” up here again as I promised. The Myth: “You Can’t Make a Living With Your Fiction.” (Note: This post introduces the Magic Bakery idea and it caused a lot of stir when it was first posted.) — This myth You cant make a living writing fiction is so clearly hogwash, I shouldnt have to include it as a chapter in this book. All anyone has…